It's beginning to feel a lot like summer!

May 25, 2022 7:33 am

Dear Reader,

Welcome to summer! I know, it's not even June as yet, but if the above-90F temperatures that had us sweating in the mid-Hudson valley this past weekend were anything to go by, summer is well on its way. I freely admit that it is my least favorite season, and has been since I came to this country almost thirty-four years ago and discovered autumn and winter. I know...I'm Jamaican so summer shouldn't be an issue for me, right? What can I say? New York living has spoiled me.

This week, for Drop Everything And Read -- DEAR -- Day, I'd like to introduce you to a box set that's all about summertime, in keeping with the theme of this newsletter.


Hot Boy Summer is a limited-edition contemporary romance charity anthology featuring shirtless hot boys getting into all kinds of sexy fun, written by talented, award-winning authors. It's available for pre-order for a steal right now, and is a guaranteed good read in the dog days of summer. The anthology goes live on June 7 and will be available for three months. Do yourself a favor and 1-click this universal link today! 100% of the proceeds from sales of this anthology will be donated to children’s charities.

Also in keeping with this month's theme, I'd like to share with you two audiobooks that I thoroughly enjoyed. Both are available on One is a sweet contemporary romcom titled Call Me Maybe by Cara Bastone. I don't usually read romcoms, but this story's blurb caught my interest. It has an inventive meet-cute between a kind-hearted CEO and a wannabe entrepreneur who are truly likable characters, and is cleverly told. The other is a contemporary MM romance about love found between two men living through heartbreak while falling in love with each other. It's called To Hold A Hidden Pearl by Fearne Hill.

Do you enjoy listening to stories? At first, I was resistant to the idea of someone reading to me, because I like to hear my own inner voice as I read. But once I heard a performance that spoke to me, I realized that the stories I enjoy listening to are the ones that are performed rather than merely read aloud, even if there's only one performer. I still own more books that I must read than books I listen to, though. What's a favorite book that you've listened to? Share it with me...I like to find new listening treasures. Looking frorward to hearing from you.

In the next newsletter, I'll share my writing plans for the rest of the year. Speaking of which, have you 1-clicked Back To Love and Wanted: Mistletoe as yet? Both are on pre-order, and lots of other exciting things are coming, as well. I'm glad you'll be here to enjoy them with me. In the meantime, take care, and stay well.

À bientôt,

K. T.
