Swimming in Free Books
Nov 27, 2024 1:54 am
Before we get to Ember's book corner, I have a few housekeeping items. Thank you to those who joined our Beta Readers team. I'm always looking for people who love to read and can give some specific feedback. Drop me a line if you are interested. jack@authorjackadkins
Tree Farm
Yes, that was this past weekend. I'll mention more about that in the Nolan Keller update email due this weekend.
Round 3 edits of The Soul of a Dragon should be in by December 3rd. After that, I'll decide on the pre-order date and post it.
The Devil on Klack Mountain chapter 5 is going up soon. Sorry for the delay. Read it for free here: https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/chapter/1854023
Ember's Corner
I'm excited to share some amazing free stories and promotions. During this observed fiduciarily irresponsible holiday (Black Friday) deals abound. That usually means some of the best promotions of the year. Here are the one's I've found.
Promotions are different from recommendations because promotions are a large collection of similar books in one place. The first promotion is called Embrace the Flame. It's put together by Luna Fox (see my recommendation of her Dragonmancer book below). It has some beautiful covers in it.
Our second promotion is a collection of Black Friday deals!
I have three book recommendations. I mentioned Luna earlier and I really hope you go get this one. I've featured it before and it's really great.
Next is Shadows of Sacrifice by Scott Wasilewski.
Finally is one I'm new to, but I think you might like. It's a free story and 7 free chapters of the follow up novel.