What entices you to buy a book?
Feb 08, 2024 4:05 pm
Hey there!
The past couple of weeks have been a whirlwind! The kids are getting into the groove with homeschooling again, the weather has been oddly warm, and the snow is almost melted. In February! It's practically spring outside right now, and so the kids have taken the time to get very, very, very soaked. But hey, they're having a blast.
I have been heads down preparing for the conference I'm attending next week in Provo, Utah. In fact, my hand is cramping from threading the cords through the tiny holes on the bookmarks to attach the flashlight. (see the image below)
I figure why not just give away something kind of cool for free? Maybe I won't sell a book to you, but who would say no to a free flashlight and bookmark? I know I wouldn't. But that leads me to a question for you, what makes you buy a book from an author directly?
Hopefully I can figure that out after this first go around. Maybe selling at conferences and markets will become a thing? (I just have to get over my crippling fear to talking to people about my books)
My Progress This Week
So I finished Demonblooded, which was an amazing feeling, but I was left wondering--what now? For a moment, I almost went back to reading The Etcher's Plight (the epic fantasy book I finished and have sat on for a year), but then I realized two things. 1) I am not sick of the characters or the story of the Hidden Heritage Series (Dragonblooded etc.) and 2) I don't want to waste the fact that I remember this book. So, I started Dwarfblooded, the third book. I'm going a different direction with this character, and so far I'm having a blast. Even though I'm only 5,000 words in.
And then I realized that it's the beginning of February, so I had better get started on the short story I'll need to submit for this quarter's Writers of the Future contest. Rather than go a different direction, I decided to breathe some more life into some of the side characters in The Lightbearer Chronicles. Ever wonder what Shrell and Harmel were up to ten years before these books? Well you're about to find out.
Lastly, I finally updated my website to include The Kids of Cybercity. Now people will actually know I co-wrote those books! I even added them to the list in my shop, so if you want a signed copy of one, or all of the books, you can order them in my shop! (Yeah, I know, I'm only a couple months too late on that).
New Episode of The Casual Author!
Are you hoping to change the world with your writing? Or perhaps teach some important lessons or skills through your fiction? Join Matt Guzman and I as we talk about his passion for teaching about emotional health and how he writes it into his middle grade books.
Sometimes that hardest part of writing is arguing with the doubtful voices in your head. Yet you are writing the story for a reason, and someone needs to hear that story. Join me and Amy as we talk about recognizing your self-worth and the importance of your story, a positive narrative to being an author.
An Interesting Book to Check Out!
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warm regards,