Co Authoring for the Win

Mar 31, 2023 3:01 pm


Hey there!

I'm thrilled to say that the past couple weeks were very very productive. Can I say that everything went perfectly smoothly and I was as productive as possible?

Definitely not.

But I still made excellent headway on some great things. Aside from a surprise 6 inch snow (yes at the end of March :( ) and from a sickness running through each of the kids, my brain has been consumed with certain projects ramping up at work. Still, I am happy to say that my co-author and I finished the first draft of our middle grade sci-fi. I'll give you a little early insider information on the book. Imagine kids in a city full of nothing but screens, video games, and avatars, but no real relationships. Sprinkle in some intrigue, a little bit of danger and the search for actual silence.

The Kids of Cybercity: The Search for Silence (Book 1)

Let's just say, you're going to love it. Now on to book 2!

Lastly, Dragonblooded, the YA sci-fi series starter I'm working on is just shy of 33,000 words. Each writing session is wildly fun, and I can't wait to discover the rest of the book to the target of 90,000 words. I'll be there before I know it, and then I'll need som BETA readers for this. If you like fantasy and YA, then you'll want to get early access to this book.

New Podcast Episodes

Inspiration for our writing comes from all over the place. For some of us, it's from a life experience, for others, it's from other books or movies. For Brittney, it's traveling. Join me and Brittney as we talk about how her love for travel feeds her love for writing.


Sometimes I think we all as authors wish there was a perfect framework for writing effectively and confidently. While there may not be a magic formula, there are a lot of things that can help us! Join Stephanie, a writer's coach, and me as we discuss her training framework to create successful and confident writers.



Dan Kenner
