Sweater Weather! (Almost)

Sep 10, 2024 12:16 am

It's almost sweater weather and I'm beyond excited. Fall is my favorite and I love all the cozy, spooky vibes that come with it. I regret to inform you that I'm still working on Lost Girl 2. I had hoped to have it finished by the end of Summer at the latest and then life got busy and I just couldn't get the words down. I'm steadily working on finishing the story, though, and can't wait to get to my second favorite part - the end. If you loved book 1, I think you'll be excited by all that happens in 2. My new, shiny goal is to have most of the book completed by the end of September and to give myself time after that to polish and shine before edits and all that comes after them. Fingers crossed!

I'll be signing at Authors in the Bluegrass in Lexington, KY next month and can't wait to see everyone who's attending! It's one of my favorite events and it's in a huge venue with tons of space this year so I'm excited to see the event grow and change. Kiki and her team do a wonderful job with that signing and all the fun things planned around it.

If you subscribe to Amazon Prime and are in the US, you can read When Wishes Bleed for free with Prime Reading now through November 30th. And remember what I said about Sweater Weather and spooky season? It's the perfect witchy read for all the fall vibes. You can check it out here.

And if you're like me and have been bingeing audiobooks while driving (Hello, Quicksilver and Reckless), TLLG is available on audible!


I hope you're doing well, reading all the great stories, and enjoying what makes you happiest. And if you're in KY next month for Authors in the Bluegrass, I hope you stop by and say hi! Thank you for subscribing and I appreciate you so much. I'm going to be in my writing cave a lot for the rest of September, so send good vibes, caffeine, and hot pirates! <3


