Don't Miss: APSS March Monthly Meeting (ONLINE SESSION), 14th March 2023

Mar 10, 2023 2:31 am

Dear ,

The Global Speakers Federation (GSF) is thrilled to declare that on March 14th, 2023, we will hold the first-ever Professional Speakers Celebration Day worldwide. GSF chose March 14th (also called "pi" day π) as it relates to the motto of Cavett Robert (co-founder of the National Speakers Association), "Don't worry about how we divide up the pie. There is enough for everybody. Let's just make a bigger pie!" These words still hold true today for all professional speakers, and celebrating Professional Speakers Celebration Day together will demonstrate that our profession is strong and expanding.

This event will help us strengthen our global speaking community, foster cross-border relationships, and create a more inclusive and inspiring future. With the support of all 17 GSF association members, it is an important occasion for us to come together and celebrate the inspiring work that professional speakers do.

APSS is excited to present a group of exceptional speakers who have accepted our invitation to celebrate Professional Speakers Day with us virtually (zoom) on March 14th from 7-9 pm. This group includes Pegine Echevarria, Neerja Singh, Dr Tanvi Gautam, Cathy Johnson, Shirley Taylor, CSP, Jon Yeo, and Lloyd Luna, experts in their respective fields. Their topics and key takeaways will be announced on our Facebook.


As a bonus, this session is free and open to all. Take advantage of this incredible opportunity to be inspired and learn from some of the best in the industry. Register now, and let's come together and celebrate the power of professional speaking! APSS Admin will send Zoom details after you register.

Event Details:

Date: 14 Mar 2023

Time: 7:00 PM-9:00 PM (Singapore Time)



