APSS Nugget Series: Harness your emotions & increase your "Emotional Intelligence" for greater success

Feb 11, 2021 1:01 pm



Wednesday, 17th February 2021

Time: 8.30 pm - 9.30pm

The last year has been unusual to say the least! 

Do you feel yourself going on a roller coaster sometimes? Do you find your emotions hindering your ability to be at your best? 

How can you stay positive in the face of the uncertainity that may be around you and power yourselves to achieve your goals?

Join us as Jana shares a range of techniques to increase emotional resilience and harness inner resources to facilitate success.

Jana Dawson is a positive psychology corporate trainer, lecturer, and director of academic development at The School of Positive Psychology. Jana is an advocate of a strength-based approach in guiding individuals and teams to develop positive behaviors that cultivate resilient, innovative, and flourishing organizations. 

This event is curated for APSS MEMBERS ONLY and it puts together based on feedback collected from members on what would help us #StepUp our performance. It's free and sign up now. 

