Upgraded Monthly Meeting: Scale It Up – Your Mindset

Feb 04, 2022 7:01 am

Dear ,


We look forward to inviting all PMs to Join us on Feb 21st, 2022 for the Upgraded Monthly Meeting. This time we have Dr. Indigo Triplett and Dr. Srikumar Rao sharing their collective wisdom, experience, and knowledge on how to Scale It Up if you have the right mindset.


Click Here to register!



Dr. Indigo Triplett will be talking about 'Manifesting Success through a Mind, Body and Spirit Connection' and the key takeaways from her session will be how to:

  1. Increase abundance through change.
  2. Utilize positive energy to move forward.
  3. Attract more of what you want based on your innate powers.


Dr. Srikumar Rao, will share his experience on how to 'Make a Quantum Leap in Your Personal and Professional Life.' He will share how he has helped countless people radically transform their lives. The key takeaways from his session include: 

  1. A simple way to cultivate gratitude.
  2. A technique to instantly bounce back from adversity.
  3. A powerful technique to achieve more of your goals.


Definitely not to be missed on how we can have the right mindset to scale up our business!


Click Here to register!


We look forward to seeing you there.

