Inside Artificialis - #1

Jan 29, 2022 8:54 am


Hey, . Welcome to the new monthly version of the Artificialis Newsletter!

A summary of what happened during the month, the best blogs of our Medium publication, latest news of our Discord server events, and recent news in the world of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning!

So seat back, take a cup of coffee, let's go over what happened this month.

First of all, a list of this month most viewed blog articles:

If you're active in our Discord Server, you probably saw few big announcements throughout this month:

  • Artificialis Open Source: a playground for all of you. Build, share, collaborate with fellow enthusiasts. A place for you to keep practicing both your skills and actual real-world workflows. It's highly appreciated by any employer, make sure to exploit it!

P.S. We have an Open Source Visionary you can work on!

To participate and join, checkout the of the guidelines repository!

Our beloved Max will stream, every second Sunday-ish, to review and merge every pull request!

  • Artificialis Hub: if you don't have a portfolio, a personal website, if you don't want to pay for hosting, share your projects through us. Artificialis Hub is a place where you can set up a nice presentation for your projects, via blog posts.

To participate, ask in the Discord server to be added as a writer, we'll explain everything else!

AI in the news

Meta Works with NVIDIA to Build Massive AI Research Supercomputer

Training AI’s Largest Models When RSC is fully built out, later this year, Meta aims to use it to train AI models with more than a trillion parameters. Under the Hood The new AI supercomputer currently uses 760 NVIDIA DGX A100 systems as its compute nodes. In 2017, Meta built the first generation of...

Google Hopes AI Can Turn Search Into a Conversation

The tech giant wants its core product to infer meaning from human language, answer multipart questions—and look more like Google Assistant sounds.

Researchers Build AI That Builds AI

The first enables computations on the original candidate graph, resulting in updates to information associated with each node, and the second takes the updated nodes as input and predicts the parameters for the corresponding computational units of the candidate neural network. Most significantly, to...

An inside look at how one person can control a swarm of 130 robots

The swarm, including uncrewed planes, quadcopters, and ground vehicles, scouted the mock buildings of the Cassidy Range Complex, creating and sharing information visible not just to the human operator but to other people on the same network. How a human commanded the swarm For the person directing...

'Till next month, you can find everyone here:

Have a fantastic month, !

If you'd like to support our community, and have access to millions of amazing articles and tutorials, consider subscribing to Medium's program via our link, we'll receive a small portion of your fee.

All of the money will be used to sponsor our Discord's events prizes!

