Inside Artificialis - #15

Apr 30, 2023 9:01 am


Hey, . Welcome to the monthly version of the Artificialis newsletter!

A summary of what happened during the month, the best blogs of our Medium publication, latest news of our Discord server events, and recent news in the world of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning!

So seat back, take a cup of coffee, let's go over what happened this month.

A little bit from me and the server:

We had in mind to start some live events within the Discord server, I wanted to ask you if you'd be interested in live workshops with hands-on projects, maybe reading papers group sessions, or something else you have in mind!

Feel free to answer right to this email or ping me in chat!

From our medium publication:

AI in the world

A full month full of innovation, open source, and news.

Italy bans ChatGPT for privacy concerns, OpenAI starts collaborating with Italian Data Privacy Officer

OpenAI told the BBC that it had disabled ChatGPT for users in Italy at the request of the Italian data protection regulator, called the Garante:

"We are committed to protecting people's privacy and we believe we comply with GDPR and other privacy laws", it wrote.

"We also believe that AI regulation is necessary — so we look forward to working closely with the Garante and educating them on how our systems are built and used", it added [...]

Makes me ask which countries will follow and how fast can regulation catch up this huge progress in AI.

Meta released SAM - a segment anything model

A promptable segmentation system with zero-shot generalization to unfamiliar objects and images, without the need for additional training.

A great addition to the computer vision space, which will give light to numerous use cases.

Auto-GPT: An Autonomous GPT-4 Experiment

Auto-GPT is an experimental open-source application showcasing the capabilities of the GPT-4 language model. This program, driven by GPT-4, chains together LLM "thoughts", to autonomously achieve whatever goal you set. As one of the first examples of GPT-4 running fully autonomously, Auto-GPT pushes the boundaries of what is possible with AI.

Elon Musk Creates New Artificial Intelligence Company X.AI

"Elon Musk has created a new artificial intelligence company called X.AI Corp. that is incorporated in Nevada, according to a state filing."

A.I. could lead to a ‘nuclear-level catastrophe’ according to a third of researchers, a new Stanford report finds

"Many experts in A.I. and computer science say the technology is likely a watershed moment for human society. But 36% don’t mean it as a positive, warning that decisions made by A.I."

Google Brain and DeepMind announced they'll be joining forces to become a new unit: Google DeepMind

By bringing together the best talent, computing power, infrastructure and resources, we’ll continue accelerating progress towards a world where AI can help solve the biggest challenges facing humanity.

Now, get ready for a wave of open source:

  • DataBricks released Dolly 2: the first open-source ChatGPT clone you can use for commercial purposes
  • Vicuna 13B, an Open-Source Chatbot with ~90% ChatGPT quality based on Meta's Llama
  • WizardLM: An Instruction-following LLM Using Evol-Instruct. Empowering Large Pre-Trained Language Models to Follow Complex Instructions.
  • The open-source platform Hugging Face released HuggingChat as their very own open-source chatbot with both a web interface and available API. It’s free!
  • Stability AI introduces StableLM, an open-source language model aimed at making AI technology accessible and transparent. The model can generate text and code, powering various applications, and is available for free use

Tip of the month

This JAX implementation of OpenAI's Whisper made it 70x faster! 🚀

Heavily optimized both on GPU and TPU.

On the latter, it can transcribe 1 hour of audio in around 15 seconds!

Here's the repository:

'Till next month, you can find everyone here:

Have a fantastic month, !

If you'd like to support our community, and have access to millions of amazing articles and tutorials, consider subscribing to Medium's program via our link, we'll receive a small portion of your fee.

All of the money will be used to sponsor our Discord's events prizes!

