Inside Artificialis - #4

Apr 29, 2022 8:42 am


Hey, . Welcome to the monthly version of the Artificialis Newsletter!

A summary of what happened during the month, the best blogs of our Medium publication, latest news of our Discord server events, and recent news in the world of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning!

So seat back, take a cup of coffee, let's go over what happened this month.

First of all, a list of this month most viewed blog articles:

Artificialis Hub: if you don't have a portfolio, a personal website, if you don't want to pay for hosting, share your projects through us. Artificialis Hub is a place where you can set up a nice presentation for your projects, via blog posts.

To participate, ask in the Discord server to be added as a writer, we'll explain everything else!

A little bit from me:

As you might know, I'm building Hydra AI, a multi-endpoint Machine Learning infrastructure for image analysis, facial attributes analysis, multi-label object detection and NLP tasks.

Right now, the facial analysis endpoint is fully functioning at scale, and the endpoint is published on RapidAPI.

If you want to try it out, you'll need a valid payment system on your account, but you won't be charged unless you go over the free tier.

AI in the news

How Meta is using AI to focus on more sustainable technology

Meta Platforms Inc., formerly Facebook, which has been working to use machine learning technologies to combat climate change and increase the efficiency of industrial systems, today outlined a number of approaches it’s taking using artificial intelligence to tackle these issues and develop elegant engineering solutions.

A deep-learning algorithm could detect earthquakes by filtering out city noise

Researchers from Stanford have developed a model able to uncover quakes that would previously have been dismissed as human-generated vibrations.

How facial recognition is identifying the dead in Ukraine

Last month, Clearview AI, announced it had given its technology to the Ukrainian government.

Nvidia’s Next GPU Shows That Transformers Are Transforming AI

Transformers, the type of neural network behind OpenAI’s GPT-3 and other big natural-language processors, are quickly becoming some of the most important in industry, and they are likely to spread to other—perhaps all—areas of AI.

'Till next month, you can find everyone here:

Have a fantastic month, !

If you'd like to support our community, and have access to millions of amazing articles and tutorials, consider subscribing to Medium's program via our link, we'll receive a small portion of your fee.

All of the money will be used to sponsor our Discord's events prizes!

