Pedal Zen feat. Robert Keeley (Ep. 78)

Robert Keeley joins us for Episode 78 to talk about all things Pedals and more. We enter the Pedal Zen zone and discuss what a signature Guitar Stories pedal would look like, Robert provides advise on hunting down vintage tubes, and we take a deep di...

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Jul 21, 2022
Earn As You Learn feat. Warren Huart (Ep. 76)

In this week's episode we bring you legendary producer, composer, and guitarist Warren Huart. We chat about how Tim Pierce made him jump on the Youtube train and start "Produce Like a Pro", how he ended up buying the house in L.A. he had his first BB...

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Jul 07, 2022
Nipplegate feat. Jen Majura (Ep. 75)

Episode 75 marks a milestone for Guitar Stories as for the first time ever, Andy and Dan are LIVE and in the same room. Joined by our friend and professional guitarist, Jen Majura, we talk the truth behind her recent career changes, take a closer loo...

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Jul 01, 2022
Guitars Are Too Expensive feat. Kris Barocsi (Ep. 74)

For episode 74 we invite Kris Barocsi to openly discuss current (and future) guitar prices. Are they too expensive or not? We also have the undoubtedly hardest Buy, Borrow, or Burn in Guitar Stories history with three AMAZING picks from Keeley Electr...

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Jun 23, 2022
Trades Only feat. Dave Bonvillain (Ep. 73)

This year's NAMM was smaller but still brought us some cool new gear. Andy and Dan present their 10 most interesting finds and chat with Swirlmeister David Bonvillain about how he created the breathtaking Ibanez PIA35TH prototype that was revealed in...

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Jun 08, 2022
Breadboard Bingo feat. Brian Wampler (Ep. 72)

In episode 72 we welcome Brian Wampler to discuss pedals, the MI industry in general, and goats. We start of with a NGD as Andy shows us his new old Fender Vintage Hot Rod Strat, we dive into the business talk as Brian elaborates why the current circ...

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Jun 04, 2022
Holy Big Words feat. Dave Simpson (Ep. 71)

In episode 71 we welcome the enigmatic Dave Simpson, a British guitarist and gear lunatic that rose to fame with his YouTube channel. We argue with him about what the best Red Hot Chili Peppers album is, why Hendrix might be overwhelming for teenage...

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May 12, 2022
Trending on Social Media feat. Martina Blazeska (Ep. 70)

Pop Power! In Episode 70 we welcome Macedonian singer-songwriter Martina Blazeska who has just released her new single 'Trending Love'. Andy and Dan talk with her about trending on Social Media, Martina's personal guitar story, and why you neither sh...

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May 05, 2022