Hearing Crickets

Oct 27, 2022 6:20 pm


Dear all,

It’s my younger nephew’s birthday this week. And two years ago, on his 10th birthday I decided to buy him a stock. A Nike stock.

Why Nike? Well, easy! He is a stylish fellow who likes brands, so it’s easy to relate.

Fundamentally, Nike is the biggest name in the sporting goods industry with a steady growth and almost 30% of market share. Their competitive advantage is hard to beat, their economic moat massive!

PLUS: they pay a dividend! And when I am looking into dividend paying stocks I like to ask (among other things):

  • Is the dividend sustainable, can the company afford it?
  • Have they been increasing their dividend consistently?

In this case the answers are YES and YES.

So, every quarter, I have been paying my nephew this dividend. Well, my sister does, because they are in Portugal, and I am here in Germany.

I wanted to make him curious about this brand that no only does cool apparel, but also gives him some pocket money. I was also hoping that his mum and dad would also want to invest in “his” stock. Honestly, what I really wanted is to get everyone excited about investing.

But after that…only crickets I could hear…

I have been solo-investing in Nike and reinvesting the dividends, no one asks about it 😅

Didn’t get anyone excited, yet!

But I will try a different approach next time I see him: I will put all the dividends Nike has paid until then into an envelope and hand it out to him. Since I have been reinvesting all the dividends, it will actually be my own money, but that doesn’t matter, I am investing in his curiosity and hopefully contributing to his financial literacy.

I will always be very hopeful of that, no matter how many crickets and tumble weeds cross my way 😇

Do you talk finance with your family?


Take care!

Your André


PS - as always, spread the word and share the link love
