March Updates from Amy Winters-Voss

Mar 05, 2024 4:30 pm

Greetings !

My daughter and I just got back from a much needed weekend retreat. We returned relaxed after two days of crafting, being spoiled, and eating chocolate. Need proof of the crafting? Here's my progress on the first sock started from yarn I'd dyed a year ago. Clawdia the badger will vouch for me.


Books Emancipated from the TBR Pile

Over on my blog, I shared about the two books I finished this week: What You Are Looking For Is in the Library by Michiko Aoyama and Dear Writer, You Need to Quit by Becca Syme. I only share books I can recommend. So, consider checking them out!


Both Rise and Guardian, from my Japanese myth based urban fantasy series, are on sale for a limited time in my shop. Save $2 on the eBooks and paperbacks.


Need more books in genres similar to what I write?

Get your fix!

Bonus Ferret Business

Friday marked Pocky's 4th birthday. Hard to believe we've had him that long already. (We got him a a little after Mother's day in 2020.) We took both ferrets to the pet store to pick out treats the day before. They were so excited and had to patrol the perimeter of the store.

On Friday, we helped Pocky open his treats and his new toy—the popup tent with a dangling jingle ball. The tent was a big hit. The new treats? Not so much. But we'll keep introducing Pocky and Mochi to new things and see what they like.


Fun fact: Did you know a group of ferrets is called a business? (Cue all the silly puns and goofy t-shirts...)

Coming up

Japanese stationery! Need I say more?

Share your thoughts!

I've been playing with turning more of my short stories into audiobooks after recording several of them, last summer.

Would you be interested if I was able to put short story audiobooks in the shop?

Feel free to respond and let me know your thoughts!

As always…

Be the Difference. Be extraordinary.

All the best,


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