[LC] Trip (maybe), ferret birthday shopping trip, Legend progress, and more books for your TBR pile

Apr 09, 2024 12:00 pm

Happy Spring! (And Happy Fall for our lovely southern hemisphere folks!) I hope things are going splendidly for each of you.

Trip Possibilities + The Obligatory Ferret Picture

My husband and I are hoping to plan a return trip to Japan this fall. He fell in love with the country, culture, and food too when we went in early 2023.


Kokura Castle, Kitakyushu, Japan (Feb 2023)

Our focus will be beautiful autumn leaves and small town atmosphere. (Research for book 4, anyone?) To hit the best views, we need to time things carefully. The farther north and the higher into the mountains we go, the earlier the leaves will turn.

Alas, we're waiting on hubs' company to decide on the dates for their big fall event in November, which is the best color time for many areas. I'm trying hard not to annoy my poor husband by asking every day if he knows the event dates.

Mochi's birthday was April 1st. Our little ferret girl turned 4. Oh, I remember when we brought her home. She was soooo small. She's still tiny. But she's the most spunky and sneaky of all the ferrets we've had.

To celebrate, we took Mochi and Pocky to the pet store to pick out a cushy new bed. We tried several. This one was the favorite. Both carpet sharks also got a big dried chicken treat.image

Liminal Chronicles update

As I write to you today, I can see the finish line for the draft of Legend (book 3), I'm in the middle of the 14th of 15 plot points. I'm not a fast writer and the end is not flowing as well as I'd like (I blame the allergies kicking me hard), but we will get there. Promise!

Here's a teaser from the chapter.

When we take our places under the waterfall, the flow increases to cover the group. Tumbling ice water pounds down like a ton of bricks pummeling my shoulders, driving me to my hands and knees. My shins and palms are gonna have nasty bruises. Every time I try to recite the chant, my brain freezes up.

Then I glance to the side and only see feet. How the fuck are the others in my group still standing? Click. The kegare. It’s been ages since I was purified. How many of the unclean spirits still cling to me from my time as a mobster?

For Authors

Each of us has our own way of writing a book and it's fun to see what works and what doesn't for fellow authors. Finding the right fit is often trial and error to discover what works with who we are and how we like to write. I shared my method in "Writing Process from a Tinker's View" on my Substack. If you're curious about my process, check it out.

We all need more books, right?

Here's a high fantasy story that might tempt you.


She thought the people in her head were just her imagination, until she started to meet them.

Alyssia Gale is a daydreamer. A liar. An attention seeker. Everyone she's ever known has found a label to stick on her, but one thing's for sure: she can't be telling the truth. The flashes she sees of the dark and difficult lives of four other people, living in a world that's not her own … they can't be real. Alyssia understands that as well as anyone, even if she does keep catching herself thinking of the people she sees as friends.

Then she's pulled into that other world by blood and dark magic, and realizes that everyone she's ever known was wrong.

Get your copy

I've also joined with other authors to bring you free stories in related genres. Enjoy! (There's even a full tale from me called The Bard's Magic to snag if you haven't read it already. It's in each of the book groups.)


More than 160 Fantasy and Adventure books to choose from, here.


50+ Fantasy Stories and Teasers to pick from, here.


Over 100 Sci-fi and Fantasy books to choose from, here.

As always…

Be the Difference. Be extraordinary.



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  • Writing Process from a Tinker's View https://amywintersvoss.substack.com/p/writing-process-from-a-tinkers-view
  • Dawn Rising https://storyoriginapp.com/swaps/d52829a8-eff0-11ee-a42d-fb44ae298c1c
  • Fantasy and Adventure Books https://bookfunnel.amywintersvoss.com/fantasy-adventure-free/endqar2vku
  • Fantasy Short Stories and Teasers https://storyoriginapp.com/to/tDVXRGS
  • Fantasy and Sci-Fi Reads https://bookfunnel.amywintersvoss.com/sci-fi-fantasy-free-apr/ad5fpfohe2