[AWV🦊] Flood watch equals a torrent of freebies

Jun 18, 2024 11:00 am

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Greetings dear Chroniclers!

Recent Reads and Listens

BOOKS: I don't get to sit down and read as often as I'd wish. But when I saw Shadowed Deception by Amber Morant, I had to download it and see what her Japanese inspired books were like. This short story was a delight, especially the twist at the end!

PODCASTS: I've been going through the Japanese Made Easy podcast on Spotify. While the language level is absolute beginner, it's a really good review and is forcing me to solidify the basics. I like to use it for speaking practice, especially when I need a break from plowing through N4 grammar in Bunpro.

Learning grammar and verbalizing are two totally different skill sets and I wish I'd focused more on speaking earlier in my Japanese learning journey. If you're interested, I can share more in a future newsletter about how I'm practicing speaking Japanese because it's really helping!

Liminal Chronicles


World Anvil's Summer Camp worldbuilding challenge is coming up next month. It's my favorite of their challenges. As I finish articles for the event, I'll share the best of them here so you can have a sneak peek at things coming up in Legend, book 3.

To see the ideas I'm gathering for the event and to help flesh out my current book, check out my plans here.

Obligatory Ferret

The giant tunnel tubes from Motor City Ferrets are hands down the best! They last longer than other brands. Our previous one finally gave up the ghost after over a year of rough play and biting at the ribs of the tunnel. When the plastic tore, we ordered a new one. Of course, our little carpet sharks had to go sniff all the new smells!


Pocky explores the NEW toob!

FREE Books + New Releases Ready To Download!

My town is currently under a flood watch. A torrent of books is better than flash flooding any day, right?


Books Gateway was updated June 17 with more tempting offerings!

Enter the Free Books Gateway





Take me to the books already!

My free stories are available for a limited time. So grab them while you can.


Claim your freebies from me!

That's all I have for now. I hope to have a fun poll for you all in the next installment in the first week of July.

See you soon!

As always…

Be the Difference. Be extraordinary.



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P.S. If your email blocks the links in this message, here are the URLs. Just copy and paste them into a browser tab.

  • Shadowed Deception by Amber Morant: https://storyoriginapp.com/giveaways/6415ad9c-8fdf-11ee-bdd4-af052c63697f
  • Japanese Made Easy podcast: https://open.spotify.com/show/54doKPnJEJaVD70MWqTpol
  • WA Summer Camp plans: https://www.worldanvil.com/w/liminal-chronicles/a/summer-camp-24
  • Free Books Gateway https://link.amywintersvoss.com/booksgateway