[AWV🦊] Japan trip highlight - Sendai Wild Plants Garden's autumn colors

Feb 15, 2025 5:27 pm


Greetings dear Chroniclers,

How are you all? Are you keeping warm? (Or keeping cool if you're in the southern hemisphere?)

Here in South Dakota we've made it through another wicked cold spell with days that were -10 F (-23 C) and below. We've been putting food out for the wildlife in our yard (mostly squirrels and birds) to help them have enough calories to make it through the bitter weather. Even our local ravens have been stopping by. Usually, they're too shy. Every time I try to take a picture they get spooked and fly off. One of these days I'll get a photo!

Sendai Wild Plants Garden

On our last full day in Sendai, we visited the Wild Plants Garden. The garden was known for it's local flowers and plants. But it was a little cold for most blooms. On the other hands, the autumn foliage was lovely.

I hope you enjoy a few shots from the hike. You'll see Japanese maples, bamboo, and a view of the Sendai Daikanon (a colossal statue that overlooks the city and is said to protect the residents) all the way across the city.






Obligatory Ferret

Mochi says, "Come on in! The new basket is a great stash spot!"


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Be the Difference. Be extraordinary.

All the best,


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