[LC🦊] Mid May Updates + Morgan's Sci-fi Fantasy release

May 20, 2024 8:48 pm

Greetings dear Chroniclers!

Did you get to see the aurora from the May sun storms where you live? Hubs and I actually got to see it! I hadn't seen the Northern Lights since I was up in Alaska visiting my brother, years ago.

Northern Lights in greens, blues, and purples in the sky outside of town. A few town lights show in the distance.

Liminal Chronicles Update

Alas, I don't have much to report this time. Sorry. It's taken me a couple weeks to recover from a concussion. There was no editing happening while I had the headaches, tiredness, and dizziness. But I should be able to report progress soon. I feel fine now and I'll be back to editing this week. I can't wait to be back in the book again!

Spirits of the Relentless Release Day!

Happy release day to my friend Morgan Biscup! Her 2nd book in the Mordena Dawn series, Spirits of the Relentless, is out today and I am so excited for her and for this book! I had the privilege of reading the ARC and really enjoyed it, so I wanted to share about it with you, my dear readers.

Spirits of the Relentless, Mordena Dawn book 2, by Mogan Biscup. Cover image: Necromancer Shane Lawrence investigates fruit from the mysterious sentient planet, Janikk

Get your copy!

Here's an excerpt from my review on Goodreads.

Spirits of the Relentless is the second book in the Mordena dawn series. It is the quest for necromancer Shane Lawrence to find a new home for his turncoat Armada, but to do so he and his away team will have to face their brutal pasts—the worst of what they were and the horrific things done to them by the Confederation.

Found family is one of my favorite tropes and it plays heavily in the Mordena Dawn series. I’m also a sucker for a good redemption arc. Book two pushed Shane beyond self recrimination and gave him a solid purpose. Our reluctant hero gets to shine as he leads the entire armada in his example of starting over...

... I truly enjoyed Spirits of the Relentless. All I can say is more please! I recommend this book for fans of science fantasy, sci-fi, and space westerns/drama.

You can read the first two chapters for free on World Anvil.

Morgan has a free story called No Way Home in the same universe.

No Way Home, A Mordena Dawn Adventure by Morgan Biscup. Cover image: A captain's chair in front of a window with a starry expanse. But the chair has blood spatters.

Obligatory Ferret Picture

Pocky, the little goofball he is, often sleeps with his tongue sticking out. He always manages to make me smile.

Pocky the ferret sleeping with his tongue sticking out. Blep!

FREE Books Ready To Download!

Text: Free Books Gateway, Free and discounted fantasy and sci-fi books ready to whisk you away for your next read! booksgateway.carrd.co
Image: (header image) Warrior approaching a magic portal.

Ready for more stories? I updated the Books Gateway this week with a nice sampling of available books.

Enter the Free Books Gateway

That's all I have for now. I'll chat with you in a few weeks.

As always…

Be the Difference. Be extraordinary.



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  • Book stores that carry Spirits of the Relentless by Morgan Biscup https://www.vazdimet.com/novels/mordena-dawn-series/spirits-of-the-relentless
  • Read the first 2 chapters of Spirits of the Relentless https://www.worldanvil.com/community/manuscripts/read/1539338303-vazdimet-mordena-dawn2C-book-23A-spirits-of-the-relentless
  • Spirits of the Relentless review on Goodreads https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/6495070661?type=review#rating_728164513
  • No Way Home by Morgan Biscup https://bookfun.vazdimet.com/c4hmaj99yt
  • Free Books Gateway https://link.amywintersvoss.com/booksgateway