[AWV🦊] You knew I'd do it - author stuff
Aug 20, 2024 12:00 pm
Salutations dear Chroniclers,
📨 A few quick updates for you today. 📨
Behind the Scenes - Classes
I've taught quite a few craft classes - tablet weaving, kumihimo, indigo dye, and nalbinding to name a few. But classes for authors? Not yet. That's about to change.
I've been working on the final sections for a media kits class for authors. When it's ready, I'll share here. Promise. There's more in the works, too.
Japan Trip Update
The most exciting news for the upcoming trip this fall is that I was able to confirm the class hubs and I will take in Sendai at Nagakan dye factory—the big splurge for our trip.
We'll get to design a hanten jacket (a cotton coat often used for work or worn at festivals), make the stencils for the design, and dye the fabric. To create the design we'll use the stencils and a rice paste to keep the dye from the design areas. Nagakan will sew the coat and ship it to our home.
What I love about this class is we'll be introduced to traditional methods from a master dyer. Traditional crafts have a special place in my heart. And it will probably be the absolute coolest of our souvenirs.
Obligatory Ferret
Mochi decided impossible shapes were the best way to sleep. I know ferrets are super flexible, but that doesn't even look comfortable to me.
FREE Books Ready To Download!
Books Gateway was updated August 16th with more tempting offerings!
Now with monthly themes!
Free stories in the Liminal Chronicles universe are available for a limited time. So grab them while you can.
Question of the week: Do your hobbies involve traditional methods or styles?
As I said above, traditional crafts call to me. My grandma taught me to crochet when I was little, and sowed in me a love for making things and textile arts. I've learned and tried so many (everything from various types of weaving, dyeing, spinning yarn, needle tatting, etc.).
I want to get back into doing crafts at night to relax. There's a wrap that I need to finish nalbinding.
Nalbinding is a yarn craft much older than knitting that uses a large needle to make knots for the stiches. Here's a peek at the cool texture. Nalbinding isn't a common craft (though it's creator base is growing) and it's the oldest of the traditions I get to help keep alive.
Do your hobbies involve traditional methods or styles? Feel free to email me and let me know or share in the question of the week response form.
Expect the next newsletter in early September. :D
Be the Difference. Be extraordinary.

All the best,
Sharing is caring!
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P.S. If your email blocks the links in this message, here are the URLs. Just copy and paste them into a browser tab.
- Hanten Dye Class https://immerse.oshinsha.jp/collections/nagakan/products/explore-traditional-dyeing-methods-by-experiencing-them
- Free Books Gateway https://hub.booksgateway.online/read
- Liminal Chronicles Freebies: https://go.liminalchronicles.com/freebies
- Question of the Week: https://go.amywintersvoss.com/NLQuestionOfTheWeek