[AWV🦊] What's your favorite Japanese food? Japanese bakeries rock!

Jul 16, 2024 11:01 am

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Greetings dear Chroniclers,

Are you keeping cool (or warm if you're in winter time)? We got a break from the heat today, so I snuck outside for a short walk this morning.

Quick house update: We pushed hard to get our den back together and made it in time for game day! Yay! And I think it looks even better than it did before we had the water damage.

Survey Results

Thank you to all who participated in my little one question survey!

The top 3 responses for what people would like to see in the newsletter were the following.

  • Worldbuilding in Liminal Chronicles
  • Behind the scenes author peeks
  • Japan Trivia

I'm looking forward to sharing more of those topics with you!

Japan Trivia - Food!

One of my favorite things about Japan is the fabulous bakeries. Seriously amazing!

In Japanese they're called パン屋 (panya). Pan from the Portuguese word for bread and 屋 (ya) for shop/house/seller. The Portuguese arrived in Japan in 1543 and traded with Japan until 1639, when Japan closed to the West.

I do my best to be adventurous food wise and Japan's bakeries never disappoint. On my 2017 trip, we stopped at a little French style panya. I saw a curry cheese donut. While I was skeptical, I was also too curious not to try it. I'm so glad it did. This was one of my favorite things we tried on the trip.


Curry cheese donut. Try them if you find them!

Obligatory Ferret


Pocky munching on salmon, his favorite treat ever! (I always save some for my little carpet sharks when I cook it. And it's really good for them.)

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My eBooks are on sale through the end of the month.


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Free stories in the Liminal Chronicles universe are available for a limited time. So grab them while you can.


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Favorite Japanese Food?

So, I shared one of my favorite Japanese foods. What is yours? (If you don't have a favorite one, feel free to share a non-Japanese food.) I'd love to hear! Email me back or respond on Bluesky.

Expect the next newsletter in early August. Until next time!

As always…

Be the Difference. Be extraordinary.



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