Pursuit of Excellence, Cheating Confessions & Luxury Items!

Jul 28, 2023 4:44 pm

Happy Friday ,

We hope this newsletter finds you motivated and inspired on your journey towards personal growth and success. In this edition, we have an exciting lineup of topics that cover various aspects of life and the pursuit of excellence.

In our latest episode, our host Alundas Havens sat down with the incredible Mohamad Younes, an immigrant from Lebanon who came to the United States in 2017. His story is an inspiring testament to resilience, ambition, and the power of mentorship.

Mohamad shared with us his passion for personal and financial freedom, and how he embarked on a challenging journey from being a nurse in a cancer center to a successful entrepreneur. Tune in to discover how he overcame obstacles, leveraged social media, and learned the importance of seeking mentorship in various areas of life.

During the episode, Mohamad touched on the topic of cheating, sharing profound insights on the impact it can have on relationships. His personal experiences and reflections shed light on the need for open communication, forgiveness, and understanding when addressing such sensitive matters.

We also delve into the fascinating world of luxury items and their significance as symbols of achievement and excellence. Mohamad shared an intriguing story about his quest for a high-end watch, highlighting the value it brought in engaging conversations and connecting with influential individuals.

As always, the podcast aims to provide valuable insights and guidance for personal and professional development. We believe Mohamad's perspective, coupled with Alundas' expertise, will leave you feeling motivated and inspired to seek your own version of success.

Make sure to follow us on Instagram for daily motivation, exclusive content, and behind-the-scenes glimpses. Connect with us on social media to join our community of like-minded individuals who strive for greatness.

Thank you for being part of The Winners Paradigm community. Remember, your dedication to growth and positive change is what sets you apart as a winner.

Wishing you an extraordinary week ahead!

Keep winning,

Alundas Havens

P.S. If you haven't already, be sure to subscribe to our podcast and share it with others who are seeking personal growth and transformation.

You can check the episode here

Special Thanks To our Sponsor My Fit Life,


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