Creating a Legacy and Embracing Growth Opportunities

Jun 28, 2023 2:07 pm

Dear ,

Welcome to another edition of The Winners Paradigm, where we explore the mindset and strategies of extraordinary individuals who are striving for success in their personal and professional lives. In today's episode, we had the pleasure of hosting Jason Brown, the founder and managing partner of PGP Advisory, an M&A advisory firm. Let's dive into the key takeaways from our conversation with Jason.

Legacy and Family:

Jason spoke passionately about his objective to create a lasting legacy for his children, emphasizing his personal goal to retire his wife within the next five years. He believes in a partnership within his marriage to create the life they want and wants to ensure his two sons have access to resources and opportunities to dream big.

Transforming Lives and Impact:

Jason's personal life mission centers around transforming and impacting the lives of others. He is inspired by his parents' journey from Jamaica and their sacrifices, which motivate him to contribute to their legacy. He aims to be seen as someone who did everything they could to support their family, the world, and their communities in accomplishing success.

Importance of Community and Self-Talk:

Community plays a vital role in Jason's journey, as he emphasized the significance of surrounding oneself with like-minded individuals who share the same goals. He also highlighted the importance of positive self-talk in overcoming self-doubt and limitations.

Investing in Oneself and Seizing Opportunities:

Jason shared his personal experience of investing in himself for six months, even when he wasn't making much money. This investment allowed him to learn and achieve success. He believes in the power of investing in oneself and the need to seize opportunities that come our way.

Embracing Discomfort and Growth:

Throughout his entrepreneurial journey, Jason encountered failed business ventures. However, he sees these experiences as valuable lessons that have prepared him for eventual success. He firmly believes that growth happens outside of our comfort zones and familiar lanes, in areas of discomfort and risk.

Surrounding Yourself with Accountability and Mentorship:

Jason highlighted the importance of being open to feedback and support from others, as he has experienced tremendous growth by being part of an accountability group. He also acknowledged that his current knowledge and understanding have come from learning from mentors and through his own experiences, and he aims to pass on this knowledge and support to younger individuals.

Family, Balance, and Love:

Jason shared how he took a year and a half off from corporate America to prioritize raising his children. He emphasized that balance is more of a seasonal concept and shared the importance of expressing love and care to our loved ones each day. For Jason, family always comes first.

Preparing for Succession and Building Strong Organizations:

In the business realm, Jason's focus at PGP Advisory is helping both sellers and buyers in the process of buying and selling businesses. He stressed the importance of planning for the future and having tough conversations, along with the need for businesses to be prepared for the exit process.

Follow Jason's Journey:

If you're inspired by Jason's journey and would like to keep up with his latest updates, you can find him at [provide relevant social media handles or website]. Join him as he continues to create wealth through business ownership and spread positivity.

That's a wrap for this edition of The Winners Paradigm. We hope you found inspiration and valuable insights from our conversation with Jason Brown. Remember, life is a journey of growth and embracing opportunities. Keep striving for success, and don't forget to create meaningful memories and express love to those who matter most.

Stay tuned for our next episode, where we'll bring you another incredible individual who is redefining success.

You can check the episode here

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The Winners Paradigm
