Upholding Family Core Values in a Harsh World With Kristina and Herb Heagh-Avritt

Jun 15, 2023 10:14 pm

Dear Winners,

We hope this message finds you well. We wanted to take a moment to share some of the key takeaways from the latest episode of The Winners Paradigm, featuring Kristina and Herb Heagh-Avritt.

In this episode, the speakers discussed various topics related to education, emotional intelligence, and self-care. They touched on the importance of creating a positive homework routine for children and the impact it can have on family dynamics.

They also emphasized the need to teach emotional intelligence to children and how it can benefit parents as well.

A key takeaway from the episode centered around the state of education in the US. The speakers shared how the education system often pushes students through without addressing their individual needs, leaving some behind. They stressed the importance of growth mindsets and emotional intelligence for a love of learning and strong family units.

Another important message the speakers shared was the impact of language and behavior in front of children. They believe that certain language should not be used casually and should instead be used to communicate intense feelings.

They also discussed how conservative values and ideals can be taught to children, and the importance of taking care of oneself while raising children.

The speakers also touched on the benefits of homeschooling, such as better diets, real-life family dynamics, and the ability to teach important life skills like cooking and financial literacy. They also shared personal stories about their struggles with ADHD and how it has shaped their life.

Overall, this episode offered many valuable insights into education, emotional intelligence, and self-care. We encourage you to give it a listen and share your thoughts with us.

You can check the episode here

Special Thanks To our Sponsor My Fit Life,


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The Winners Paradigm
