Turning Up the Volume: Being Loud and Intransigent

TLDRWe as a society reward and reinforce being loud and intransigent. We suffer the consequences, hurting our self-esteem, our freedom of speech and even our identity. We need to strive for balance and effective communication and think deeply about w...

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Jun 02, 2023
Walk the talk

TLDRSelf-confidence has a huge impact on the most important areas of our lives, and arguably all areas of life. Relationships, professional careers, financial security and health, are all influenced positively or negatively by our self-confidence or...

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May 26, 2023
It’s the intelligence, stupid

Short is not always quickerI realise that I may have succumbed to the fallacy of false economy when I decided to write shorter blogs to save time.This week, at least, I’m finding that it can take more time and effort to collect, organise and summaris...

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May 05, 2023
Doubling Down

This is unexpectedThis week’s blog was supposed to be called “It’s the intelligence, stupid”. But last week’s blog ruffled a few feathers, so I knew I had to address it. At first I thought I’d do it in my planned blog, where I would just open the blo...

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May 05, 2023
Short and sweet

Such is life. And, this week’s blog. I sense a sigh of relief on your part. It should be easy to keep this one short. Let’s see if I can sweeten it without sugar coating it. I’ve two more blogs I want to write, but for one it’s way too early, or I’m...

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Apr 21, 2023
Bitcoin II

World Reserve CurrencyIf you haven’t read ₿itcoin I, you should. There were a few points there that could have more meat on it and I really failed to make a solid case for “Why is Bitcoin one of the most important inventions (some say discoveries) in...

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Apr 15, 2023
Save the world

I have wanted to write about this topic since day one of this blog. It was one of the blogs I told myself I wouldn’t write though. There are topics like politics and religion that are better not written and commented on, I thought at the time. Someth...

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Apr 07, 2023
Disrupt Yourself

Where do I start? Why am I writing this at all? The first is a rhetorical question but the latter is actually a complicated one. Although the correct question should be: why are you able to read this or why did I publish it. I can easily justify writ...

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Mar 31, 2023
Crypto — Investing responsibly

Crypto — Investing responsiblyGet rich quickThis is not financial advice. I could have called this blog “3 Altcoins That Will Make You Rich in 2023” or “5 Cryptocurrencies You Should Buy Now That Will Rise Soon” or some variation thereof, where the r...

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Mar 17, 2023