What is your IKIGAI, {{contact.first_name}}? 🤔

Apr 29, 2021 2:01 pm


Kedu, ?

I am in love with the Japanese culture! *love struck*

Sure you guessed right - Japan is definitely on my 'Travel Bucket List' *day dreams*

This year, I have learned two powerful Japanese words, thanks to my book club...

Kaizen, meaning "continuous improvement."

Ikigai meaning "a reason to live".

Both words help to inspire people to live a purposely life.

You can find both ebooks and audio versions of both words on Scribd.

Just use the search button and you will find loads of options.

Happy reading or listening *wink*

Last week, after listening to an audiobook on Ikigai, I started asking myself, "What exactly is your Ikigai, Nnenna?" *thinking mood*

That got me doing some more research on how to find my Ikigai.

Here are some questions I found that can help you find your Ikigai:

#1. What do you love doing? (Your passion)

#2. What are you good at? (Your vocation)

#3. What can you be paid for? (Your profession)

#4. What does the world need? (Your mission)

Let me share my answers so that you can be inspired to do yours *smiles*

#1. My Passion - Travel Lover. Culture & Tourism Enthusiast.

#2. My Vocation - Promoter. Teacher. Marketer.

#3. My Profession - Tourism Promoter. Visibility Coach. Digital Marketer.

#4. My Mission - To help small businesses build brand visibility and sustainabllity through online and offline strategies.

To sum it up - I am passionate about helping business owners in the tourism industry to build visible brands and sustainable businesses through visibility strategies.

This is my main Ikigai.

From my understanding, it looks like you can actually have more than one Ikigai.

Because thanks to my dear friend, Folakemi Odesola, I just discovered that I am multi-passionate *laughs*

But you will have one major thing that gets you excited everyday.

Mine is promoting the Travel and Tourism space.

So let me ask you...

What is your Ikigai, ?

What is that thing that makes you jump out of bed every morning?

What motivates you to revel in and appreciate life EVERYDAY?

Let me leave you with this diagram that breaks down the questions above.

It will assist you with discovering your Ikigai.


All the best discovering your Ikigai, *smiles*


Life is short, live it to the fullest.

Till then, odabo *waves*

Your Wanderluster,

Ajala Nene image

P/S: I am offering free consultation to discuss how to create visibility for your brand. You can book your free session HERE.
