Never Too Late 😊
Feb 26, 2021 12:01 am
Ba wo ni, ?
My subject was inspired by Jojo's hit song "Too Little, Too late"
But I came to tell you it is "Never Too Late", .
Never too late for what? You may ask.
Never too late to build an authentic brand that attracts your kind of people.
When I started my buisness, one thing I knew for sure was that I didn't want to be like everyone else.
I wanted to be different.
I decided to look for things I could do differently in my space...
Things that resonated with me...
Things that I genuinely enjoyed doing.
But to be honest, at a point I wasn't seeing the results I wanted.
I stopped being authentic, .
I almost lost my "why" in the process.
However, thanks to some of my amazing growth friends...
(Trust me, we all need such people in our entrepreneurship journey!)
They reminded me of my "why" and what made me unique in my space.
, trust me when I say that it is never too late to start building an authentic brand.
Standing out from the crowd brings opportunities your way.
It attracts a certain group of people who desire, appreciate and want what you offer.
This weekend, I will be a speaker at the Saturday Breakfast Business Club.
I will be speaking on "Brand Authenticity", one of my favourite topics *grins*
Yours truly will also be hosting this edition...
The organiser fell in love with my authentic energy and asked me to also be the host *bats eyes*
You see why I say "authenticity" attracts opportunities? *wink*
E-join us this Saturday and let's learn how to build an authentic brand in our entrepreneurship journey.
Find link HERE.
Remember, it is never too late, ...
Life is short, live it to the fullest *smiles*
Till then, ka o di *waves*
Ajala Nene