Should I Go? Should I Stay? 🤔

Jul 20, 2020 12:01 pm


Kedu ?

I decided to take last week off to rejuvenate and re-strategize...

Well needed *sips hot cocoa*

So I have been checking the back-end of my business and have decided to make some changes.

One of them is my email newsletters.

Unfortunately, I have a certain amount of people who don't open my emails.

And in case you don't know...

As you constantly increase your email usage, you need to start spending some money *cash machine*

You see why I need to re-strategize, *smiles*

Starting from tomorrow, I will only send daily emails to those who are interested.

So if you are interested in getting my daily emails, please join below *points down*


And if you chose to unsubscribe, I TOTALLY understand...

Honestly, no hard feelings *smiles*

If you chose to stay but not join my daily newsletters...

I will be staying in touch weekly.

Will be keeping you updated on what's going on in the Nene-Uwa Kingdom *wink*

Should I go? Should I stay? *Singing in Brandy's voice*

Whatever you decide....

I just want to say thank you for joining me in this ride, *smiles*

Life is short. Live it to the fullest.

Till then. Sai wata rana *waves*

Your Wanderluster,

Ajala Neneimage
