Exciting Updates and a Fond Farewell from Our Story Your Story

Dec 05, 2023 6:06 pm

Hello ,

We hope this message finds you well and filled with holiday cheer!


As we approach the end of the year, we have some bittersweet news to share about the future of Our Story Your Story.

This week marks the final podcast episode of Our Story Your Story as authors and hosts Shelley Carney and Toby Younis read and discuss the last three chapters of their captivating novel, "A Gypsy's Kiss: A Treasure Hunt Adventure." 

It's been an incredible journey, and we want to express our heartfelt gratitude for your support and enthusiasm throughout this adventure.

With the holiday season upon us and a new year just around the corner, we have decided to take a hiatus to focus on some exciting personal endeavors. 

In 2024, Shelley and Toby embark on a new chapter of their lives by selling their houses and relocating to the beautiful state of South Carolina to be close to family while enjoying the lowlands, lakes, trails, and beaches.

We encourage you to take some time to reflect on your own stories and experiences in the weeks and months ahead.

Whether through a blog, podcast, or book, sharing your unique journey with family and friends can be a rewarding and fulfilling experience. 

Your stories are valuable and we believe everyone has a tale worth telling.


As we bid farewell to 2023, we want to express our deepest gratitude for being a part of the Our Story Your Story and the AGK Media community. Your support has been the driving force behind the success of this podcast, and we look forward to reconnecting with you in the future.

Wishing you a joyous holiday season filled with love, laughter, and memorable stories.

Shelley & Toby

Embracing Choices, Responsibility, and Family: Exploring "A Gypsy's Kiss" Chapters 37 and 38

by Shelley Carney

I had a lot of difficulty with my sister as she got progressively older because she became addicted to a lot of different things. 

It used to make me sad, but I couldn't break through that. 

I was telling my daughter how frustrating it was for me to try to engage with my sister, and my daughter said‌ something so simple in its brilliance that I'll never forget it. 

She said, “Dad, she lost her father too,” at the same time that I did, and she was younger, as were my brothers. 

I was 11. 

They were five, eight, and nine. 

She had the same experience, and she had the same mother. 

I had the good fortune to be sent off to a boarding school guided by Christian Brothers and then college. 

Although she went to college, my brothers never even finished high school. 

They got progressively worse. 

My youngest brother died in his early thirties. 

My next brother spent half his life in prison before he just disappeared off the face of the planet. 

I had to consider myself fortunate in the choices that I made. 

The question that kind of gnaws at me today is, could I have done more? 

Could I have spent more time with them? 

Could I have acted more like a father rather than a big brother? 

We'll never know the answer to that because I have outlived my entire family.

— Toby Younis

In the latest chapters of the gripping adventure, "A Gypsy’s Kiss: A Treasure Hunt Adventure," protagonist Miguel finds himself at a crossroads. 

Chapters 37 and 38 unravel a poignant narrative where Miguel grapples with choices, freedom, and the responsibilities that come with family.

Watch the video or download the podcast episode.

To delve deeper into the themes woven into these chapters, join the dynamic duo, Shelley Carney and Toby Younis, hosts of the thought-provoking video podcast, "Our Story Your Story." 

These hosts/authors guide audiences through engaging discussions that resonate with personal experiences.

Freedom and Responsibility: Making Choices Matter

Navigating the delicate balance between the desires for independence and the obligations we carry is a universal challenge that transcends age and experience. 

Picture it as a seesaw, where the desire for freedom lifts us into the air, but the weight of responsibility grounds us. 

This equilibrium helps us shape our choices, influencing decisions big and small. 

Too much freedom without a sense of responsibility can lead to chaos, while an excess of responsibility might stifle our sense of liberty. 

Striking the right balance involves thoughtful consideration, self-reflection, and an awareness of the impact our choices can have on ourselves and those around us. 

It's a dynamic interplay that we all grapple with on life's journey.

Miguel's choices reflect universal struggles.

I make a list of pros and cons for my current situation. The first choice: step off the train and find my own way in life. Alternatively, stay on the train and live the life that others have planned for, or expect of me. A Gypsy’s Kiss: A Treasure Hunt Adventure, Chapter 37

The hosts dissect the significance of actively making choices and the impact they can have on our narratives.

“Freedom is how you define your willingness to experience freedom in the context of what you've chosen to be your responsibilities.” — Toby Younis

“I may not have a choice about every single thing that's happening, but I get to choose how I respond.”— Shelley Carney

Click here to read the rest of Shelley's entertaining article on our blog.

Here's our next week in content:

7 pm MDT, Thursday, December 7, 2023. Our Story Your Story with Shelley Carney and Toby Younis. Premier. youtube.com/@ourstoryyourstory


Unveiling the Journey's End | A Gypsy's Kiss - Chapters 39-41 | Our Story Your Story

Join us on this week's episode of "Our Story Your Story" as authors and hosts Shelley Carney and Toby Younis delve into the riveting conclusion of "A Gypsy's Kiss: A Treasure Hunt Adventure." 

In Chapters 39 to 41, we witness Miguel's emotional homecoming, unexpected discoveries, and the symbolic significance of the leather jacket. The themes of family, responsibility, and self-discovery come to the forefront as our hosts explore the intricate layers of the narrative. 

From multicultural elements to literary references, we unravel the story's depth and discuss the foreshadowing that leaves us eagerly anticipating what lies ahead for Miguel. 

Don't miss this engaging discussion as we navigate through the final chapters of this captivating adventure and share our insights on the themes and emotions woven into the tale.

Thank you for spending time with us in the AGK Media community.


Shelley and Toby
