[💡WFunHome] How To Self-Sabotage Yourself, {{contact.first_name}}

Sep 28, 2023 4:31 am

Yesterday’s email about how I let a huge opportunity pass me by seems to have hit a nerve with the Work Fun Nation. 

Salamat guys sa messages ha.

Matagal na yun. Water under the bridge ika nga.

I only used that kasi it’s a cautionary tale na hindi chismis, it shows you WHAT NOT TO DO as a freelancer, and wala din ako ibang maisip kahapon.

Pero yes, self-sabotage is very real.

Can you tell me if this is also you? 

When an opportunity comes your way, fear (instead of excitement) takes hold of you, tapos parang napa paralyze ka. 

Alam mo naman steps to take, but nawala lahat ng presence of mind mo.

You often convince yourself that you need more time to learn and prepare, na di ka pa ready...

na gusto mo muna mag-skill up before reaching out to prospects, but deep down, you know it's just an excuse. 

Procrastination becomes your crutch, sneaking into every aspect of your life.

You start projects with enthusiasm, only to abandon them halfway through, convinced they'll never reach the high standards you've set for yourself.

Even with all of the abundant resources available, you don’t do the kind of prospecting that sets you up for success.

Then if somehow naka-tisod ka ng prospect, you actually dread getting on a call with them or taking further steps.

Tapos, miraculously you reach the proposal stage. 

And what do you do? 

You submit proposals that lack conviction, you're full of self-doubt pa din, negatively anticipating in your head that you're likely going to be rejected.

Even when clients express interest, you find ways to undermine yourself, making them believe you're not the right fit, and that they should consider someone else. 

It's as if you're afraid of success, .

And then, nag doom scrolling ka na sa newsfeed. 

Patay! You see other freelancers thrive, their careers flourishing, while yours withers away. 

Tapos syempre, to keep up social appearances, you comment “Congrats mars! So happy for you!”

Pero deep inside, di ka naman talaga happy. 😢

Ang saklap lang, kasi you know you have the skills, the potential, but it feels like an gaping chasm (wow nagamit ko din yung words na gaping and chasm hahaha lumalabas pagka-novelist ko a) separates you from success.

When you look in the mirror, you see someone who used to have dreams and aspirations, is now buried under layers of self-doubt and insecurity. 

Days turn into weeks, weeks into months, (sadly sometimes years pa nga) and time slips away like sand through your fingers. 

Tapos minsan kapag malakas ang ulan at mag-isa ka lang sa room...

You can't help but wonder if you'll ever find the courage to believe in yourself again.

OMG, saan ko kaya nahugot yan?! 

Wag na natin isipin where I got it, hehe. 

Pero kung naka-relate ka, I definitely also do. 

Yun lang naman yung point ng chuday’s email. 

I wanted to internalize how we as freelancers sabotage ourselves. I have a question naman for you. 

Are you interested in stopping self-sabotage in its tracks, ? 

Reply lang if yes, and what are your takeaways from this email. 

Happy Hugot Hwebes,

Shoden “Who Goats There?” San

ps. Here's the link to our 65-vers Sprint™ (a social experiment sa prospecting starting on Oct 2). 21 people so far, pero far pa sa goal natin of 50 participants.

💡 Need guidance and clarity on your own reinvention? I’m opening a few paid slots after several of you messaged me about getting some extra coaching outside of TFMT. Limited lang ito, and first come first served basis. I'm starting with clarity calls muna with a 90-day action plan. Book here.

🎉 Pst. Don't Keep Me A Secret. refer this newsletter to your freelancer friends and earn rewards worth $$! (kung naisahan ka dun sa mga pranks ko in some of my emails and gusto mo ng kadamay, share mo to hehe)

🔥 Send Freelancing Questions. I'm planning to show up more on Reels and TikTok. Help me out naman guys with your freelancing-related questions. I need to make a lot of videos.

☠️ Too many emails from me? I totally understand the need to declutter your inbox. Haha ako nga nagsabi na mag-declutter ka e. I hope my tips have helped you work smarter as a freelancer. No hard feelings. Just click below (may maliit na link dyan na kulay grey).
