[💡WFunHome] Why Writing Cold Emails Is the Most Important ‘Soft Skill’ You Must Learn

Aug 30, 2023 9:22 am


I hope you’re continuing to crush your week. 

Imagine where your online freelancing career could be just one year from now if you consistently sent one thoughtful, personal, and genuine message per week to people in your niche market. 

Kahit once a week lang na solid outreach, basta consistent mong ginagawa. 

Given na you’re obviously busy with a lot of other work, family, and obviously life happens. 

And the best part? It won’t even cost you a dime!

Only your time. 

O diba, nag-rhyme? 

That’s something you can definitely do right? 

So, why not make cold outreach a regular habit, just as natural as breathing?

Wait, e kaya nga naging work from home freelancer ako ee! 

I’m anti-social and I wanted to get away from meeting and seeing too many people. 

Oonga naman — why did we choose online freelancing as our profession in the first place? It’s because we value the freedom and flexibility that comes with working remotely and independently. 

We enjoy being able to focus on our craft without constant distractions. 

I get that. 

But let’s be honest; there’s nothing more frustrating than trying to build our network solely from behind a computer screen. We’ve all been there. 

Cold outreach allows you to do exactly that.

You can build meaningful connections with the right people from anywhere in the world, kahit naka-pajama ka lang.

I totally understand that writing a cold email to strangers can be quite intimidating, especially when those individuals are people you admire or look up to.

If done wrong, sending cold emails that go unanswered can lead to feelings of rejection, isolation, and a lack of confidence. Ito palagi sagot sakin ng mga na-survey ko before. 

I’ve been there and it’s not fun.

I know kasi I had my fair share of these cringe emails haha, more in future emails.

However, when done correctly, a well-crafted cold email has the power to transform your entire online freelancing career.

I know din, kasi it’s happened to me, and many freelancer friends I know. 

E wala naman ako kilala eeee

So what? Not knowing anyone is not an excuse. 

Unless you were born to already successful freelancer parents, everyone starts with a small network sa niche nila. 

Heck, it’s nothing but a new opportunity to start reaching out and connecting with people. 

Yes, kahit introvert ka pa.

Being an introvert doesn’t mean you’re bad at outreach. Don’t blame introversion for that, excuse lang natin yan kasi ayaw natin mapahiya. 

Saying “I’m bad at outreach” is nothing more than a limiting belief—a thought pattern that holds you back and keeps you within your comfort zone. 

As beginners we have to “accept the suck”, kasi may mga fail talaga yan sa simula. We just need to get over ourselves and do the work.

Just like Michael Jordan or Lebron James weren’t born as the greatest basketball players, but became that way through grit and not giving up, you too can improve your outreach skills. 

The truth is that clients who are seeking top-notch freelancers don’t have the time or patience to sift through countless applications.

Instead, they turn to their trusted network or seek recommendations from colleagues to find exceptional talent. 

That means the most desirable freelancing opportunities will NEVER be publicly posted.

Let me ask you. When did you last see your DREAM client actually post on LinkedIn na kailangan nya ng ganito o ganyan? 

Usually, you’ll see them on job boards or private Facebook groups looking for recommendations from people they trust. 


 It ensures that you never miss out on those dream opportunities.

Now that I’ve established myself a bit in my freelancing career, people often approach me looking for recommendations within my network. 


When someone asks if I know any available freelancers with specific skills, I don’t have spreadsheets (who has time for that?). Instead, I recommend someone who comes to mind first— usually someone I’ve recently talked to and believe could be a great fit for their project.


The cold hard truth is that most freelancing gigs aren’t awarded solely based on qualifications; they often go to those who are familiar.

If you want to remain at the forefront of potential clients’ minds and be the first person they consider when opportunities arise, the most crucial skill you must consistently practice is cold outreach. (And then later building a relationship with them, di lang basta outreach lang hehe, but more on that sa future emails)

If you feel like you’re not great at outreach right now, it simply means you haven’t had enough consistent practice. 

It can also mean na di mo pa na-discover yung right strategy that really works, or baka di mo pa nahanap yung right mentors who can teach you. 

But here’s the good news. John and Allan actually has a full module on how to reach out to your prospects and make them your clients inside of their awesome program called EUI or Email Underground Intensive. 

As it happens may Open House sila today at 7pm, join ka if you have questions and you’re still on the fence. They’ll show you around inside the course and what the membership is like from the inside. 

Link HERE. 


Shoden “Ju Can Do it!” San

PS1. If you found this a good read, and you have friends who are interested in reading email rants like these please forward this to them and let them sign up sa ating munting list.

PS2. eto din yan, but mas swabe. Share mo sa wall mo, I need subs parang awa mo na. ^_^ https://sendfox.com/WorkFunHomePinoy

PS3. Ulitin ko lang na Open House later with John and Allan. Open din sila for questions. Lalo na sa part ng outreach din. Alternatively, email back din to me, pero eto uli link to open house:

Link HERE.
