[shoden] AI is everything everywhere all at once ❤️

Aug 17, 2023 3:34 pm

Yo Work Fun Homies! 

Earlier today, my friend H from inside our Tribe FB group asked this question: 

“Most content creators especially writers are worried about their future because of AI tools like ChatGPT. What do you think of this? How are you coping with the changes in content marketing?”

At syempre bilang marites, (and also as a person who has been studying AI for some time now), I launched into a spirited reply. 


Sa haba ng sinabi ko, I realized I didn’t really address the question full on. 

“How are you coping with the changes..?” 

I’m going to answer it now, but in my own way. “Cope” is a verb that generally refers to dealing effectively with something difficult. It’s about managing and confronting challenges.

We want to be in a place where we aren’t just COPING with AI, but THRIVING and EMBRACING it. 

You see, the world has already changed a hot minute ago pa. 

AI is now everything everywhere all at once, transforming how we create, connect, and express ourselves overnight. 

It’s already affecting most sectors of our society. 

So once you get to see even a fraction of what it can do, you’ll start to feel like a match stick standing in front of a hurricane. 

And it will swallow you whole if you let it. 

Pero, I invite you to check out this new perspective. 

Don’t just cope, but dive into it with passion. 

As freelancers, we stand at the epicenter of an earthquake in the making. 

I won't lie to you - the road ahead is uncertain. Ako mismo I don't have all the answers.

But this is our chance to soar. Our moment to redefine what it means to be human in the age of robots. 

We still have something AI can never replicate (at least for now) - that divine spark of human magic. 

The dreams. The vision. 

The imagination to build the world anew. 

So while AI handles the grunt work, we will focus on the results for our clients.

Sure, we'll have to learn new things. 

But pioneers always do. 

We'll become the trailblazers who guide clients through this unfamiliar terrain. Remember not everyone is even online yet, and there will be many many clients who will need help. 

If you’re afraid that robots might take away our creativity, I believe they won’t. 

But it will be a chance for us to express this creativity in new and exciting ways. 

It means creativity will become a sacred calling once again.

Times of turbulence are when we do our most courageous work. We have so much untapped potential waiting to be discovered. 

My fellow pinoy freelancers, the world needs your passion, perspective, and purpose now more than ever. 

You already have everything you need inside of you. Show the world what you're capable of. 

And let's redefine work, creativity, and connection on our terms. 

The future belongs to the brave, the visionary, and the radically human. Are you ready to leave your mark? 

I know I am. This is our time. Nuks. 

Osha, that’s all I have for you today. Didn’t mean for it to turn into a damn speech, but this is where we are. lol

If this made sense to you or if you want me to talk more about AI, reply lang sa email. hehe.



PS. If mag-bounce reply mo (send it to dennis.abad@gmail.com) - as I'm still fixing my hosting transfer.

PS. If you have friends who are interested in reading email rants like these please forward this to them and let them sign up sa ating munting list.

PS2. eto din yan, but mas swabe. Share mo sa wall mo, I need subs parang awa mo na. ^_^ https://sendfox.com/WorkFunHomePinoy
