Merry Kurismasuu & Congrats sa Winner! πŸŽ„πŸŽ…

Dec 25, 2022 11:16 am

Wow it's been a hot minute na pala! OMG.

Sobrang daming things that happened in between Black Friday and Christmas Sunday. Grabe.

This is just a small message to wish you and your loved ones a Merry Christmas, (or Happy Holidays na lang if you're not exactly celebrating it the same way I do, or if Gen Z ka. ^_^) and an awesomely prosperous new year ahead in 2023.

I'm grateful for all the people I've met this year, especially you , for joining this list. - para sa mga full name yung nakasulat dito, sorry about that, nag-auto fill kasi kayo sa raffle so full name ka tuloy lagi hehehe. Para tuloy akong principal na galit, diba ?


One of my goals for next year is to be more active in writing you tips about working FUN home, and learning more ways to challenge the Freelancing status quo.

It you're the type of person who is willing to experiment with different approaches in pursuit of a more extraordinary life as a freelancer, I hope you let me stay in your inbox despite the "raffle-y" (new word agad, I know right) way I started this mailing list.

Stuff you read here will be about freelancing, productivity, procrastination cures, (really bad) dad jokes, and enjoying life wherever you call home.

You might call it a lab of sorts, where I'll test several ideas, and share the results as we build things in public together.

Whatever happens though, I really hope you find value here, and as always feel free to LEAVE when you no longer resonate with the content.

Onga pala speaking of the raffle! OMG

Congrats nga pala kay.. (drum roll please)...

Celine Enrile!


You get the following software apps and 1 course for LIFE! (or at least until the software companies are still in business, hehe.)

LUNA (39$ a month / 400$ a year)

Typedesk (8$ a month / 60$ a year)

TidyCal (29$ one time)

RCBCC (600$ one time)

all in all, di ko na alam pano i-compute, but congrats uli! I hope you fully utilize these tools to get you more success sa freelancing journey mo.

Sa side ko naman, I'm looking forward to a great year ahead, and I hope you feel the same.

At hindi matatapos ang email na ito without the traditional cheesy From-My-Family-To-Yours na postcard photo! (akala mo lang nakalusot ka, pero hindi pala hehe)

So here goes!

From my fam to yours, Merry Christmas!


ps1. reply ka din with your cheesiest family photo if meron!

ps2. anong isda ang namamaril? e di BANGus.

ps3. anong isda ang bulletproof? e di.. PATING!

(ni-warningan kita ng mga corny jokes dati pa, don't say I didn't hehe)
