[💡WFUN] Happy Father's day, {{contact.first_name}}!

Jun 16, 2024 11:30 am

I gave my Dad his 73rd birthday card, and with tears in his eyes he said..

.. you know, one would have been been enough.


Happy Father's Day to All the Dads sa Work Fun Home Nation! (Yes, including moms who are pulling double duty!)


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🔗Are You Your Own Worst Enemy? Discover How to Finally Overcome Self-Sabotage and Start Unlocking Your Full Potential as a Freelancer

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Get the Ebook here: How To Stop Self Sabotage For Pinoy Freelancers

💡 Need guidance and clarity on your own reinvention? I’m opening a few paid slots after several of you messaged me about getting some extra coaching outside of TFMT. Limited lang ito, and first come first served basis. I'm starting with clarity calls muna with a 90-day action plan. Learn more about it HERE.

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😂 Another Random Corny Joke of the Day

Anong sabi ng donut sa isa pang donut na umakyat sa puno?

E di...

