[Boring] As I was saying

May 24, 2024 3:34 pm

Hi again

SO as I was saying. 

Attention spans are shorter than ever. Kahit ako ambilis na din mawala ng attention ko.

Pero, Video testimonials cut through the noise, delivering compelling stories in an engaging, memorable format. And they never get old.

They allow businesses to showcase their products or services in action, making it easier for prospects to envision themselves as satisfied customers. 

All business owners inherently know that they need to get their testimonials out there.

But perhaps the most significant advantage of video testimonials is their versatility. 

They can be repurposed across multiple platforms, from websites and social media to email campaigns and sales presentations.

This evergreen content keeps working for businesses long after it's been created, providing an excellent return on investment.

Again, while wala pa yung full training, I encourage you to watch the first part, which is the RCBCC framework.

That's the secret sauce that will power this training. The fundamentals kumbaga.

I'll be in touch soon with more details on the date, etc. In the meantime, feel free to reach out with any questions or thoughts you might have.

Also, feel free din to opt out in case you got here by mistake.


