[💡wfunhome] Let’s Turn that Someday, Somehow into Today, Now

Oct 05, 2023 1:01 am

Yo Work Fun Nation, 

I was pulling out of the driveway a few days ago when suddenly I had the urge to search for 90s alternative playlists on Spotify. 

I randomly tapped a few things, and then the next song on the queue played. 

It was “Someday We’ll Know” by the New Radicals. It took me back to the early 2000s…

back when I was mostly running on testosterone, melodrama, lucky me pancit canton, hopeless romanticism, Red Bull, and stupidity.

The chorus of the song goes:


Someday we’ll know if love can move a mountain 

Someday we’ll know why the sky is blue 

Someday we’ll know why I wasn’t meant for you

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah


I went through a major breakup at the time, so this song was coming at me now loaded with memories and emotions from those days. Feeling ko end of the world na dati hehe. Pagbigyan nyo na. 

For those who don’t know this song, and para sa mga hindi 90s kid dyan, it reflects on unanswered questions, unfulfilled dreams, and the longing for understanding.

It’s a reminder that while some answers may escape us, we continue to seek meaning and connection in the journey of life.

Parang ito yung song na gusto mong pakinggan habang malakas ang ulan at malamig, and meron kang mainit na kape. 


O diba, without knowing about the whole thing, it pulls on your heartstrings even now right, . Hehe Aminin. 

However, listening to the song now as a person who’s no longer in his early twenties, it hits VERY differently. 

I couldn’t explain it, but somehow I felt bad for the narrator, kasi essentially it’s nothing but a beautifully written and performed tutorial on how to be stuck in analysis paralysis. 

Even if it’s actually supposed to be about resilience and hope, it revels in being stuck and wondering why. 

Heck, even in the music video it had lots of people just looking blankly into space.

How the heck did I miss this back then?! Feel na feel ko pa naman. Now I know what I must have looked like nung time na yun.


Office waiting area. Tulala


Couch. Tulala


Laundromat. Tulala


Pool? Why. Tulala


On a bench outside. Tulala.

Anyway, it was a huge hit at that time and struck a chord with a lot of people as the notion of someday, somehow seems oh so tragically romantic. 

Tapos add mo pa na we’re also suckers for being martyrs, and wala na naman tayong magagawa for ourselves. 

I have an important lesson I want to share with you today. 

It's about the danger of having a "someday, somehow, sanaol" mindset. 

You know what I mean right? 

That feeling of constantly delaying and putting things off, telling yourself "I'll do it later," "Someday I'll get around to it." Sometimes it even becomes an obsession, like we're trapped in this negative cycle.

Real talk lang, that mindset is one of the scariest traps we can fall into. 

Why? Because time keeps passing you by. 

You keep waiting and hoping for "someday" but nothing ever happens. 

Meanwhile, others are taking action NOW (kahit small and imperfect pa) and achieving their goals.

The truth is, someday will never come on its own. 

You have to MAKE it happen, . 

Fortune favors the bold, not the motionless. 

Certainly not the people saying “Naol.” hehe sarap kutusan, to be honest. 

I learned this the hard way after missing opportunity after opportunity (which you’ve read about if you’ve been on this list for some time) because I kept waiting for the perfect moment. 

So today, (just like many other days kasi para na akong sirang plaka lol) I'm inviting you to make a conscious effort to shift your mindset. 

No more "someday, somehow." It's about TODAY, NOW. 

Small imperfect steps add up over time. 

Even just sending one cold email to a prospect or doing one focused hour of work is progress.

Speaking of cold emails, there’s a webinar at the SAAS Marketing PH FB Group I want you to attend on Friday, October 6th, 8 PM.


It's FREE.

What you'll take away from this will hopefully get you the tools to take action with less friction.

Action creates momentum. Momentum leads to results. Results become the new normal. 

And your new normal will start to feel a lot like "someday."

Haaay, sanaol may nagsabi agad sakin nito dati. Di sana ako nag-mukmuk ng matagal listening to this song. 

Lakas ng hugot e no. But I guess okay na din because it’s what fueled me to write this email to you today. 

That's all for today.

Shoden "Grab Your Day by the Balls" San

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