[💡WFunHome] hindi ka naman batugan {{contact.first_name}} no?

Sep 01, 2023 3:01 pm

Hey ,

Growing up, I knew someone who was called lazy. His family and his friends called him lazy.

“Kahuhubya nim!” (You’re so lazy!) they said in his native tongue. 

But funny enough, hindi naman sya ganyan dati.

He actually used to get the good grades in high school without much effort. 

"Mister A***!!," his Physics professor would shout. 

“Stop distracting Miss V***A** with your eyes there at the back!”, sabay expert hagis ng flying eraser that hit his head with a satisfying ‘thud!’.  

(joke lang yung with your eyes ha. hehe)

Even though he only did some work, he made the Dean’s List. His teachers even praised him as an “up and comer"

He got accepted into the DOST scholarship program and took up Theoretical Physics and fancied himself to follow in Albert Einstein’s boots. 

Then college came.

His grades dropped like an elephant in a parachute. Turns out boploks pala sya sa Physics. Awts

"Sus, kayang kaya ko naman to kung gustuhin ko, redbull lang katapat" he said. "Tinatamad lang ako." 

Needless to say, he lost his scholarship.

And to stay in university, he transferred to another college and took up European Languages. 

He finished all his units uneventfully, defended his thesis, and satisfied all the requirements for a degree but didn’t bother to apply for graduation.

Didn’t even have a grad pic taken.  

To this day, his mom resents the fact that she doesn’t have his college graduation photo on her mantle. 

Years go by. 

By 28, his friends all seemed like they'd picked a career, not just a job. 

But he had jumped from one job to the next but was never sure of what he wanted to do. It seemed that he was drifting through life. 

He knew he had a good head on his shoulders, but somehow opportunities seemed to fall through his fingers like dry sand on a windy day. 

Something was deeply haunting him: 

Is this all I’ll amount to be? Hanggang dito na lang ba ako? 

Yes, he just translated what he said into Filipino.

A few more years go by. 

He discovers freelancing and writing for an audience.

Somehow, against a lot more failures, he finally started to figure out how to keep simple promises he made to himself, and how to follow through. 

It turned out, he wasn’t lazy pala. He was just stuck in his own head. 

How do I know so much about this guy? 

Because this guy IS me. 


Growing up, my mom would sometimes call me “hubya” (waray-warya for lazy). Not proud of it, but I may have given her many reasons to say this to me. 


15-year old Shoden

Throwback to when I actually had an eagle’s peak lol pagbigyan nyo na

After going through years of being indecisive and feeling guilty for not following through, I think I’m finally cracking the code. 

I’m actually building a freelancing business in public and growing my personal brand. 

Heck, I’m even writing a best-selling ebook about Freelancing. Stay tuned. 

And I didn’t do it alone. I had a community of like-minded people with me. 

Would ya look at that? 

The first step? I stopped calling myself lazy. 

Most people who call themselves lazy think it’s just a lame joke. 

If you’ve been calling yourself something negative for years, even if hindi ikaw nag-pauso nyan, you start to adopt behaviors that match up.

It’s like a self-fulfilling prophecy. 

Once I changed my language, I could start changing my behavior.

The second step? I took one small action to get me closer to my goal.

I am moving myself out of being stuck.

Never before in history have we been swamped with so many options. 

We have so many voices telling us what we should be doing. 

We don’t want to be seen as someone who only starts and never finishes. So we just dream but never take action. 

We get stuck.

One small action. That’s all it takes. 

Maybe that action is to click that buy now button sa EUI, I don’t know. 

Here’s the link to check out

Kasi, it has all the lessons and steps you can take clearly delineated for you. May kasama ding astig na community. 

It’s a fresh start from everything else that has gone wrong in your life before.

A chance to reinvent yourself. 

Then you simply attend the lessons and submit the assignments with your ego checked at the door. 

I know this email is too late for me to make you take action, yet I'm still sending it to those who need to hear this. If not now, when pa nga ba?

I have a question for you uli, . 

What’s one thing you could have achieved years ago if it wasn't for that voice in your head saying “I’m so lazy”? What could be within your grasp right now if you could unlock your potential?

And what’s the smallest action you could take — TODAY — to get started?

I read and reply to all of your emails. 

Shoden “UnSt*ck Yourself” San

PS1. If you found this a good read, and you have friends who are interested in reading email rants like these please forward this to them and let them sign up sa ating munting list.

PS2. eto din yan, but mas swabe. Share mo sa wall mo, I need subs parang awa mo na. ^_^ https://sendfox.com/WorkFunHomePinoy

PS3. EUI is going underground again in ONE HOUR. Don’t wait that long to get good at writing emails for a living. 

Here’s the link to check out
