[💡WFUN] That time nilibre kami ng Fried Chicken ng 7-year old ko, {{contact.first_name}} 😲 !

Mar 20, 2024 8:27 pm

Yo Work FUN Homies! 

I just had to share this hilarious thing that happened with our son Julian yesterday. 

Ayon na nga, we were at our favorite Thai restaurant, diving into some seriously spicy Tom Yum Soup, Spring Rolls, Mango Sticky Rice, and Salted egg fried chicken. 

Oh, and an extra bottle of Chang Beer for me. 

So there we were, all enjoying our meal, when the manager came over with a big grin. 

Apparently, she’d been eyeing Julian, who was mid-bite sa salted egg fried chicken nya, and looking ridiculously adorable (not that I’m biased as his dad or anything lol). 


She asked if he could snap a photo for their social media page, saying something about how Julian had the perfect 'Lil Thai moment.'


Ako naman, wow free chicken na this, ! Aayaw pa ba ako haha. 

Ya gotta seize the moment lol.  

What has this got to do with writing emails? 

Well, it may not mean like it’s a huge deal, but it's small stories like these that create openings for us to talk and relate with each other.

More people actually relate to small, easy stories like these versus complicated topics. 

And it lets you know more about who I am over time, whether you'd trust mo or not, or if may similar values ba tayo. 

I’m always looking to share authentic stories and sakto this one landed right on my lap. 


In Julian’s case, milestone nya kasi first “modelling” gig nya to lol - paid in Fried Chicken pa ^_^

This story would have totally just disappeared into the void, forgotten agad. Pero it's now here, and kahit pano nakapag-spread ng konting tuwa.

And that is why I cannot overstate how Email is such a powerful tool that enables us to spread our message.

Whether it's sharing simple stories like this one…

or sharing the best freelancing skills, tools or courses that are highly useful to the Work Fun Nation…

It's all about adding a bit of value flavor to your day.

A simple smile even. 

Speaking nga pala of tools and skills, I almost forgot to tell you that.. 

Email Underground Intensive is NOW OPEN! (yes ito yung awesome FREE Training last weekend.)

You can join here 

EUI is your FASTEST path to learning ALL you need to know about email copywriting, whether you’ll offer it as a service or use it to level up your own business! I use it for both, and it’s been an awesome ride so far. 

From email marketing basics to finding out what your market wants, to writing out attention-worthy emails, and even getting clients, you’ll be taught EVERYTHING in just 8 weeks.

Etong ginagawa ko right now is called writing for product launches with a touch of daily light-hearted emails. I also learned it from them.

And you’ll be guided every step of the way! :)

I've been long time friends with both John & Allan, their proud affiliate, and I highly recommend this program!

Check out the details here.



P.S. Write back to me lang if you have any questions if you're on the fence. Will happily answer. Salamuch!

🎉 Pst. Don't Keep Me A Secret. I know you liked this email, so Refer this newsletter to your freelancer friends na gedemet! (kung naisahan ka dun sa mga pranks ko in some of my emails and gusto mo ng kadamay, share mo na!)

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Get the Ebook here: How To Stop Self Sabotage For Pinoy Freelancers

💡 Need guidance and clarity on your own reinvention? I’m opening a few paid slots after several of you messaged me about getting some extra coaching outside of TFMT. Limited lang ito, and first come first served basis. I'm starting with clarity calls muna with a 90-day action plan. Learn more about it HERE.

☠️ Too many emails from me? I totally understand the need to declutter your inbox. Haha ako nga nagsabi na mag-declutter ka e. I hope my tips have helped you work smarter as a freelancer. No hard feelings. Just click below (may maliit na link dyan na kulay grey).
