[đź’ˇWFunHome] Freelancers pa more!

Aug 19, 2023 2:54 pm

Hey mga ka-workfu! 

Just saw an article from May 15, 2023 that says, according to GCash and Payoneer, there are currently 1.5 million Filipinos registered in international online platforms for freelancing services.

You can check the article here: 


Kaso, I call BS on that. I don’t believe that 1.5 million pa din tayo. 

Because back in 2018, Paypal already said the same thing. 


How can the number stay the same? and how can they not add what Paypal already estimated way back in 2018 to Gcash and Payoneer estimates in 2023?

Wala lang just wanted to think out loud.

Post-pandemic, the number should have ballooned even more.

My personal guesstimate would be somewhere around 4.5541 million pinoy freelancers, with most of them still in the transition phase from corporate and going full time freelance. 

(yes grabe ako mag-guess, may decimal points lol)

If all that’s stopping you from going all in are some outdated notions that people shared with you some time back, let me share 5 reasons why you should be a freelancer. 

You Call the Shots: When you freelance, you’re your own boss. 

Well may client ka pa din and technically sila boss mo hehe, but it’s one of the few fields where you can FIRE your boss if hindi kayo fit working together. 

I did that, and masaya ako when I did it.

You decide where you work, when you work, and what kind of work you do. No more punching in at 9 and out at 5. No more tiny cubicles. Ikaw mag set nito sa start ng engagement. 

You get to build your work life around your real life. 

Sky’s the Limit for Earnings: As a regular employee, you get a set salary. As a freelancer, you set your own pay. 

Now I know this can feel like bs kasi may market rates naman dyan, and people can pigeonhole your pricing with so many others in the marketplace. 

But yes, there’s a way around that. I’m technically “just a” video editor but I’m able to charge thousands of dollars for something that others will do for 10x less. 

Yes, if you’re not doing so already, you can charge what you think your skills are worth, and there’s no limit to what you can earn. 

While a lot of pinoy freelancers are still sadly underpaid sa global marketplace, a growing number of the same freelancers are also now earning better than traditional workers.

Tons of Variety: Freelancing opens up a whole new world of different gigs. You can work with clients from all over the map — different industries, different countries, you name it. 

It keeps things interesting and adds lots of cool skills to your toolbox.

You Learn a Lot: As a freelancer, you get to learn and grow all the time. 

You’re not just an expert in your field—you’re also a pro at marketing, bargaining, customer service, and even handling your own books. These are life skills that are handy outside of work too.

Job Security? Heck Yeah!: It might sound weird, but freelancing can actually be pretty stable. 

Your paycheck isn’t tied to one boss or one company. If you lose a client, it’s a bummer, but it’s not as bad as losing an entire job.

Also, you can learn how to keep your pipeline full by consistently doing leadgeneration activities for your freelancing business. 

Having a lot of different clients can actually make things more secure.

There’s simply no excuse anymore not to consider this. 

I know it may sound like I’m biased, but freelancing can be pretty awesome. You have control, potential for big bucks, lots of variety, constant learning, and yes, stability too.

Yan na muna for now.


PS1. If you found this a good read, and you have friends who are interested in reading email rants like these please forward this to them and let them sign up sa ating munting list


PS2. eto din yan, but mas swabe. Share mo sa wall mo, I need subs parang awa mo na. ^_^ https://sendfox.com/WorkFunHomePinoy 
