[shoden] Your Remaining Years❤️

Aug 16, 2023 3:57 pm

Hey Work Fun Homies!

This evening I was able to attend a very powerful webinar by Tita Carol Medalla, our HR manager inside of the Tribe, and also one of our leaders inside of the Go-Givers.

She taught this very sobering yet at the same time empowering concept of our Remaining Years. 


Many people were in attendance, and hardly was there a dry eye towards the end. 

In the call, she made us realize several hard truths.  

Chief of which is that the average Pinoy only lives up to around 72 years old.

In other words that’s only around 3744 weeks in this life.

The scary part is that if I reach 72, I’ll only have 1560 weeks left. 

That's not a lot of time! 

And I have to say a lot of people were teary-eyed on this call. 

We got to examine whether the time we actually have left to spend with our loved ones was true or not. And count their actual remaining time with us.

And to realize that… every day we have to make hard choices about how to spend our hours. 

With so many ways to use our time and so many others trying to get our attention, how do we pick what's really important? 

Dito sumakit ulo ng marami, including me. 

It's easy to feel stressed and powerless when time keeps moving no matter what. 

May na-depress actually sa call kanina kasi sobrang busy daw nya and wala syang actual time. Some of those who shared also even desperately wanted extended time. 

Syempre kasi we all have some form of regret naman talaga. Many of us would definitely wish to have a redo. 

Grabe sobrang eye-opening talaga ng call kanina. 

But we have more control and choice than we think. 

Little choices made over and over end up being a big deal. 

By focusing each day on our top priorities, we can make the most of our short time here.

I’ve had the good fortune to think on this through several books, (you might recognize some of them being distilled here sa email) and I wanted to share this piece of advice that I believe can work for everyone.

Mahirap nga lang ma-implement.

The trick is to ruthlessly cut out the extras. 

We can't do everything. 

So in order to live a purposeful life, we have to make smart choices to ditch the pointless stuff. 

It takes courage and self-control to figure out the few big priorities among the many distractions. But making space for what matters most brings awesome rewards. 

When we waste energy on shallow tasks that don't match our values, we waste precious time. 

But by putting focused effort into meaningful goals, we can achieve amazing things. 

We all know naman that all our current work right now, freelancing man yan o hindi, is really a means to an end.

We use freelancing as that vehicle to get our life to a point and quality that we are proud of.. tapos the cycle moves forward.

Freelancing isn’t everything, but if ito napili natin na path, we have to give it everything we have WHILE we are capable of earning a great income.

Time to stop playing small na .  

So make that obvious choice on what you’re going to do to move the needle in your business and life. (Remember the 2 wolves, which one will you serve?)

Kung prospecting man yan, prospect the shiz out of it. Talagang itodo mo na. 

Kung delivering quality work man yan, just zone everything out and focus.

Kung being with your loved ones (parents, kids, partners) man yan, be FULLY present and experience life with them outside of work. 

It helps to take life one important step at a time. 

Figure out the single most useful thing you can do right now to move forward. 

Focus completely on that priority task before moving to the next. 

Little daily steps add up to huge gains over time. Staying consistent matters.

Of course, time keeps moving no matter what we do. 

We'll never completely control the passing hours and days. Meron talaga yan na sobrang minalas tayo, or nagsakit tayo suddenly, or sometimes accidents happen talaga. May days din talaga na you’re not able to focus.

Okay lang din yan. 

Sometimes it's best to accept our human limits and make room for simple joys in the moment. 

Judging ourselves for "wasted" time only leads to useless worry. 

Anyway, I don’t have any freelancing tips lined up today, but I hope these thoughts help motivate you to really think about your priorities and take focused action on what's essential, day by day. 

Our weeks are limited - let's make them count! 

Please reply if you want to talk more about making the most of your time. 

Wishing you clarity, purpose and happiness as you make out of all your remaining years!



PS. If mag-bounce reply mo (send it to dennis.abad@gmail.com) - as I'm still fixing my hosting transfer.

PS. If you have friends who are interested in reading email rants like these please forward this to them and let them sign up sa ating munting list.

PS2. eto din yan, but mas swabe. Share mo sa wall mo, I need subs parang awa mo na. ^_^ https://sendfox.com/WorkFunHomePinoy
