[💡WFun] Are you Value posting into the Void, {{contact.first_name}}?

Nov 07, 2023 11:01 am

Yo Work Fun Nation, 

I’ve been reviewing my public Facebook posts a week after the launch of our eBook, and I’ve been able to reflect on how far I’ve come.

I can happily say that a portion of our Ebook sales are directly traceable to these Facebook posts, so para sakin the negative connotation about freelancers na: “Pa-pindot pindot ka lang sa Facebook kumita ka na a.” has a different meaning. 


A growing number of my posts now have good traction:

I’m now able to generate engagement with some of my posts. I’ll share a few here: 







But there was a long long time before this when I’ve been posting to crickets. As in wala talaga. 

I feel you on this whole trying to get your freelance business going thing. It's tough when you're putting yourself out there and it feels like you're shouting into the void. 

I've totally been there - posting articles and videos that barely get any traction. And sending emails to my tiny list with no replies. It's easy to get discouraged. 

But here's how I try to think about it:

We have to show up as the successful freelancer we know we can become. 

Even if it isn’t true yet, I visualize myself with a solid client base and a waitlist of people wanting to work with me. 

It's about living from that future reality, instead of being bummed about my present circumstances. Easier said than done some days, I know!

Another mindset shift - thinking about reaching one person at a time instead of faceless masses. My audience is made up of individual humans, each with their own needs.

When I create a piece of content, I picture speaking to just one person who might find it helpful. Even if we've never met, we probably have some common ground. We're all just people trying to figure things out.

What resonates with me will likely resonate with others too. The most personal stuff is often the most universal, right? This is why I reply to each and every one of you, to get to know your story. 

So if I can bring value to one person at a time, and keep showing up consistently, my reach will grow. 

It blows my mind to think I could someday impact thousands. But it starts small, with me focusing on serving individuals.


Shoutout din to Pat one of our first buyers ng eBook. He really went all the way to print the whole thing. Salamat sa tiwala! 

So even if you’re currently posting to 12 views, and to you it might not seem like much, keep going lang. Imagine, if you 12 real people in front of you and you could help them in some way, that would feel amazing!

So let me be the person to take the pressure off for you.. 

Just aim to show up for one person today. Think of them as your past self and share the kind of wisdom you know you would've appreciated back then when you were starting.

No reason to gatekeep whatever insights you have locked away! 

Even if it helps one person, it's so worth it.

So that's the mindset I'm trying to cultivate for you. I know with consistent effort you can build something meaningful. But for today, focus ka on serving one person at a time and see where it takes you.

Do this with your prospects din. 

That’s all for today

Shoden "Sumigaw sa kalawakan" San

ps 🔗 if you missed the pre-order, pwede ka pa bumili sa regular price, which is still a steal. Get it here:

How To Stop Self Sabotage (HTSSS) For Pinoy Freelancers Ebook

💡 Need guidance and clarity on your own reinvention? I’m opening a few paid slots after several of you messaged me about getting some extra coaching outside of TFMT. Limited lang ito, and first come first served basis. I'm starting with clarity calls muna with a 90-day action plan. Learn more about it HERE.

🎉 Pst. Don't Keep Me A Secret. Refer this newsletter to your freelancer friends and earn rewards worth $$! (kung naisahan ka dun sa mga pranks ko in some of my emails and gusto mo ng kadamay, share mo to hehe)

☕️ Send Me Some Coffee. If you liked this particularly weird but hopefully informative and somewhat entertaining email, help me reinforce this habit by training my brain to look forward to cooking up these crazy notions lol. Send any small amount here to fuel my addiction to writing daily emails lol. For starters, 35 lang brewed coffee sa 7-11, pero syempre who am I to say no kung gusto mo ako i-libre ng Starbucks? ahaha

☠️ Too many emails from me? I totally understand the need to declutter your inbox. Haha ako nga nagsabi na mag-declutter ka e. I hope my tips have helped you work smarter as a freelancer. No hard feelings. Just click below (may maliit na link dyan na kulay grey).
