Happy New Year {{contact.first_name}} !✨

Jan 02, 2023 1:01 am

Yo ,

Sending you this email to wish you and your loved ones an awesome new year!

In this list, I share cool tips and ways we can live a more extra-ordinary life as we work FUN home as freelancers.

A large part of that really comes best practices in finding, keeping, and scaling client work, and the rest is from installing and keeping good habits and systems so we can be more productive, and ultimately spend more quality time with our loved ones.

However, there is a dark side to our pursuit of self-development.

It's this: Whenever we fail to consolidate or set a new habit.. we're often too hard on ourselves.

Scrolling through social media doesn't help. (Everyone seems to be hitting ALL their goals and milestones there)

So, if you want to start doing something that's good for you but you just can't bring yourself to do it..

Or you do the new good thing for a little bit, or you stop doing the bad thing for a little bit.. but a couple of weeks into it, you start to feel the pressure and all of a sudden..

Things break.

You have one bad day.

A day where maybe you were a little bit too lazy to go to the gym or maybe you didn't get to follow through on some of the promises you made to yourself.

It feels like the whole thing is crashing down. 

You get depressed. 

If this has been happening to you over and over, there's a very good chance that you've been falling for the Myth of Vertical Progress

It's this idea that if you just make it to a certain amount of days then everything will make sense.

It's where most people swear that if they keep at it for 21 days, or 30 days, or 90 days.. their new habits will set.

" If I could only go to the gym and stick to my diet for 90 days then this will be a real habit now. "

This type of thinking is not accurate and can actually be harmful, as it places unnecessary pressure on us and can lead to feelings of failure if things don't go as planned.

Progress is more like a spiral, with each successful day building on the progress made before, and setbacks are a normal part of the process.

Everything we do is practice, whether good or bad. The key is to just keep going in the direction we want to go.

And 2023 is bound to be an exciting year of transition and transformation, of adapting to change, and to just..

Keep moving.

That's it for now, hope you start your week and year strong.


