[coach shoden] You're allowed to FEEL things

Aug 10, 2023 3:55 pm

Hey guys!

what a really fun and towering yet awesome day

And i'm not even home yet, i'm still stuck in traffic.

All i can say though is that i'm really grateful that i've been able to do the things that i get to do the things instead of having to do these things even if i'm really tired.

In fact just because i want to have a non interrupted for day emails three i'm going to write this from my car using voice note.

So let's do this!

Several people emailed back yesterday that they wanted to see a recording of a discovery call and i'm going to give you just a small part muna that you can use in your cake.

so this is a call with that went on to be a closed deal, and I'd love for you notice how i used this phrase.

It's really useful if you want to let the guard of your prospect down meaning you really want to make them feel special try using this phrase and let me know in the reply if you see a change in how the prospect feels.

To be honest i still feel that there's not enough demand for things like these, because we have a list of over 400 people and i'm not really seeing a lot of people get back to me, so i'm going to wait more to see if there really is enough replies.

Hope you find value in this though, i

'll tell you more about what happened today in a longer email.

let me know your takeaways, ayt.

Link to video below



Shoden 'full voice mail' San
