Free quiz mastermind to help you get more leads...

Nov 22, 2022 4:31 pm

Hey, ,


I hope you’re well out there in this crazy world, and I also have something crazy to add to it… it’s a good crazy, I promise!


You know how our business world is always talking about…

●    The importance of email marketing

●    Of showing up consistently on socials

●    Of creating content and videos and more content that might get someone to convert.


And you know how that’s just SO exhausting?!

●    There are other things you want to do

●    Like take a vacation

●    And also spend more time working ON your business, and not IN it


Well, I just read a blog from Josh Haynam, CEO and Co-founder of Interact, who analyzed quiz conversion rates of their customers.


Quizzes, on average, have a 40% conversion rate, and some industry averages are even a little higher than that. That means 4 out of every ten people will likely become a lead when you use a lead-generating quiz.


So, crazy high as that stat is, I don’t want you to miss out on these new leads…and sales!


My friends at Interact are hosting a full-on Mastermind in the form of a 3-day challenge. They’ll build your quiz with you in 3 days using in-depth video workshops and private access to their community, The Quiz Collective, …AND they even have bonus sessions!


They’ve got five experts in 3 days who will teach you strategies to build, launch, and grow your business so you can boost your income!


Join now!


Michael - TMS Pack Leader 

PS. TLDR: Need more leads and want free help getting them? My friends at Interact have a 3-day challenge that will teach you strategies you can use to build and launch a quiz so you can grow your biz so you can boost your income! Sign up here!
