Temporary difficulty or permanent defeat?
Oct 20, 2020 2:31 pm
You know those times when you're ready to throw in the towel? When it seems like no matter what you try, it doesn't work and you're thinking "why bother".
The decision you make in those moments is the difference between temporary difficulty and permanent defeat. Jen Sincero puts it nicely in her book You Are a Badass at Making Money: "Temporary failure becomes permanent defeat only when you say so".
You heard me say so many times that you are the author of your own story. That includes deciding when chapters end and how they end.
It's not over until you say so. If you want to try again, do it. If you've been looking for a new job or trying to get your business off the ground for months and it's not happening, keep going if that's what you want to do.
Don't let other people's judgement and opinions influence your decisions. If you know you were meant to be doing something different or to become an entrepreneur, don't let your current reality slow you down.
We all have a vision and work towards achieving it. Your current reality might not reflect that vision, but that doesn't mean you should give up. That's the whole point of a vision - it's something you aspire to in the future.
Your current attitude and commitment should reflect the vision and the reality will come as a result of that, not the other way around.
So dust yourself off, chin up and get back at it. It's not over until you say so. You've got this!
Speak soon,
P.S. If you're tired of trying to improve your financial situation on your own, be that personally or in business, please get in touch by replying to this email. I'm here for you.