My Medium journey update

Jan 27, 2021 5:06 pm


In November I sent you an email saying I wanted to dedicate more time to writing on Medium. I started to do so (more seriously in January) and, as I predicted, the results are starting to show.

Since my last email, the number of people following me has more than tripled, my publication followers have more than quadrupled and my earnings have more than doubled.

We're not talking huge numbers here, but this is proof that consistency pays off. Also, the results I am seeing are exponential, which means more effort will produce even greater results in the future.

In terms of my effort on the platform, this is what it looks like:

  • in November I published 3 articles, 2 of them being about me and an introduction to my publication, Coaching for a Living.
  • In December I published 3 articles, 2 of them in short form (i.e less than 150 words)
  • In January I published 6 articles, 4 of them inside my own publication

They say your first 100 articles are your warm-up. I have 18 published pieces with them at the moment, so ~20% of the way through my warm-up. I'm curious to see how things will look after 100 articles and I know you are too. I'll keep you updated on the progress.

Take care and if you want to know more about Medium or writing please let me know and I might film a video about it. Or write an article 😉.

