Get good at managing your assets

Oct 27, 2020 3:01 pm


Last week I spoke about financial resilience at the Society for the Advancement of Consulting (SAC) Annual Conference. We spent a fair bit of time talking about assets and how to manage them.

Don't worry, I'm not going to switch to accountant mode 🤓. By assets, I don't mean property, equipment and capital items.

Think of an asset as something you control that has the potential to generate revenue now or in the future. What comes to mind?

Books, courses, information products, coaching programs and other offerings? Yes, they all have the potential to generate money and you need a system in place to create, maintain, manage and sell them.

There is one asset missing from the list - YOU. That's right, , you are your greatest asset. If you fail to manage your time, energy, emotions, physical and mental health, it's likely that your other assets will prove useless.

Be smart about it. Start managing your most important asset first and deal with the rest after. It doesn't make sense to neglect yourself until your other assets are performing - they never will unless YOU are in the right place physically and mentally.

How good are you at managing yourself as a professional and/or business owner? How often do you stop your tactical work and put your strategic hat on? I know, these are not things that come naturally, and you might not even know where to start.

If you're struggling with anything money or business related, I can help. That includes starting a coaching business, deciding on the right business model, choosing a niche and ideal client, setting your prices, creating a compelling and relevant offering, selling your services, financial projections, having money conversations, working on money mindset, and more.

Let's hop on a free 30 min call and talk about it.

Book a discovery call

Speak soon,

