a (late) welcome to the new year
Jan 11, 2022 1:06 pm
Hey and Happy New Year!
I hope 2022 found you in good health. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case for me. I tested positive for C0VID at the beginning of the year and I'm still recovering from it, hence my silence in the last couple of weeks.
Hopefully, I'll be back on my feet soon but until then I wanted to say hello and wish you all the best for the new year. May it bring you lots of love, joy and prosperity.
Speaking of 2022, I've drafted my YouTube strategy for this year to include short, 1-minute explainer videos where I answer specific questions related to the business of coaching. I will also interview a few people on my channel and share some long-form content with my audience, something I have not done before.
I'll film a video about my new YT strategy, but before I do I wanted to ask you if you've got any suggestions for me - what would you like to see on The Savvy Corner YouTube channel in 2022? I'm all about experimenting this year, so please reply with your thoughts.
That's it for now, . I have a date with Paracetamol that I can't afford to miss 😊. Stay safe and I'll speak to you soon.