hiring a virtual assistant

Oct 04, 2022 9:26 am


It's officially that time of the year when days become shorter, the temperature drops and shops are filled with Halloween and ... wait for it... Christmas 😱decorations and gifts.

Q4 is starting, one last chance to push for some goals and resolutions before the year is gone. If you think about it, "Q" is not really the right letter to abbreviate this last quarter. Let's face it, December is a bit of a write-off – everyone is thinking about mince pies and stollen (surely I can't be the only one) so that leaves us with two months to get cracking on that to-do list.

Does this resonate and if so, what does this last quarter mean to you? If you would have asked me this question in 2019, my answer would have been "more hours of work". That didn't end well.

Ask me the same question today and my answer is "work smarter, be strategic about what you spend your time on and get help". The last bit is not something we, coaches, are very good at. We're great at helping others, but not so much at getting help for ourselves.

If you've got too much on your plate right now, working more hours is one option to get things done, but not the best solution. In a recent episode of the podcast, I talked to Melissa Smith about the process of hiring a virtual assistant and what a VA can do for you and your business.

We touched upon:


  • The biggest mistake people make when hiring a VA
  • When is the right time to hire a VA
  • What to expect when you hire your first virtual assistant
  • What a VA can do for you and the types of VAs that exist
  • How to budget for a VA to make sure you can afford to hire one
  • How much you can expect to pay for a VA
  • The pros and cons of working with VAs from emerging countries

It's an episode packed full of valuable information from an expert in the industry, so well worth a listen. Even if you're not in a position to hire a VA right now, the conversation is an eye-opener in terms of what it means to think like a true business owner and get into that mindset of delegating and valuing your time.

Give it a listen and let me know what you think. It's one of the top 3 most listened to episodes of Coaching for a Living and for good reason.

I hope you enjoy it and until next time, stay savvy.

