success is built in small increments
Jul 14, 2022 9:11 am
Do you ever dream of the moment when you'll 'arrive'? You know, that breakthrough moment when everything falls into place and you'll work fewer hours and make more money?
When I started my coaching business in 2017, I imagined my breakthrough moment as a well-deserved victory following some earth-shattering effort or move on my part. I was mistaken.
The tipping point that made everything else change turned out to be the result of a series of what seemed like insignificant tweaks and small improvements. Some call it the aggregation of marginal gains, or the compound effect.
I wrote an article about it, where I share a few ideas for the main areas in your coaching business where you can make 1% improvements so that you can see them accumulate into your breakthrough moment. You can read it here or click on the photo below.
Someone messaged me to say this article was exactly what they needed to read at this point. Perhaps it will serve you too - let me know your thoughts by replying to this email. You know I love to hear from you, 😊.
Until next time, take care and stay savvy.