Perseverance pays off

Jun 08, 2021 11:56 am

Good morning

After 8 days in beautiful Scotland, I'm back in the saddle again as Aerosmith would put it. If I think about it literally, I was never off the saddle - and my behind keeps reminding me of it. I don't blame it, after almost 2,000 miles on the motorbike I was bound to feel it. But that's a story for another time perhaps.

What I do want to share with you is that, while I was away, my Medium publication reached 50 followers 🎉. I'm super proud of this milestone, considering that big names on Medium with thousands of followers only have a couple of hundred people following their publications.

If you're wondering what it took to get here, here is the breakdown: 28 published stories over the course of 6 months. Was it worth it? Absolutely! During the first 8 days of June, 24 of my stories earned me money while I was away enjoying my holiday. Not to mention the traffic my articles generate and awareness about my business.

I talk more about how I use Medium to promote my business on my YouTube channel: How I Promote My Business on Medium and Get Paid to Market My Services.

I've been building Coaching for a Living all on my own until now, but I will start to open up slots for guest writers and interviews with other coaches and professionals, so stay tuned for that. I have a strategy in mind for how to go about it and possibly monetise it - once I will have tested it for a while I'll make sure to share my progress and findings with you.

How have you been this past week? Remember that if you have a question about building a coaching business you can send it my way and I might include it into the Dear Coach series (anonymously of course). Hit reply and let me know.

Until next time stay safe and enjoy the sunshine.

